Greener fill-ups in West Seattle

The Times has a big article today about biodiesel with a citywide map purporting to show where it’s available – including two spots on the eastern edge of West Seattle — but that map omits two more-centrally located spots in WS where we know biodiesel to be available (though sadly we don’t have a car capable of using it): The Admiral Safeway service station (as first mentioned in February) and Hans VW (35th/Graham). Anywhere else?

2 Replies to "Greener fill-ups in West Seattle"

  • Agen October 1, 2007 (2:36 pm)

    While I applaud Safeway’s offering of biodiesel, unfortunately it’s only B20 (meaning 20 percent biodiesel), whereas it’s B100 over at Hans VW.

  • que October 1, 2007 (2:53 pm)

    HEre is a link to biodiesel refueling locations all across the country. It is incomplete for here in Seattle because demand has been growing so quickly, but don’t think that just because you are using biodiesel that you are limited in where you can go. New VW diesel cars will work with either petrol or biodiesel interchangably and you can get nearly 45 mph combined.

  • Find Biodiesel October 3, 2007 (12:27 am)

    I run a site called FindBiodiesel that has comprehensive listings of biodiesel locations that anyone can contribute to or update. Everything is searchable by address, city, or zip code. Here’s the link to Biodiesel in Seattle

    If any locations are missing, please add them!

  • Find Biodiesel October 3, 2007 (12:33 am)

    I run a site called FindBiodiesel that has comprehensive listings of biodiesel locations that anyone can contribute to or update. Everything is searchable by address, city, or zip code. Here’s a diret link to Biodiesel in Seattle

    If any locations are missing, please add them!

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