Gatewood Elementary “Kids for Kids” a smash hit

If you see this before 2 pm Saturday, you still have time to get down to Gatewood Elementary and join in the “Kids for Kids” fun. If you see it later, the goats aren’t scheduled to leave till Tuesday morning, so you may get a chance for an impromptu look. (And check out WSB video of their arrival here.) Quite a crowd when we went by a little while ago — first two photos are onlookers admiring rain-shielded goats; third one is from the other “Kids for Kids” events up on the Gatewood playground:




2 Replies to "Gatewood Elementary "Kids for Kids" a smash hit"

  • K October 22, 2007 (6:15 pm)

    We went by to see the goats today and the woman who owns the rental company said they will now be there until Wednesday morning.

  • que October 22, 2007 (10:02 pm)

    Hey K, I was just about to post that exact information. Great minds and all… ;-)

    It has been lots of fun having the goats at the school. The human kids have had a blast and it is so much less work for the PTA having to clear all the ivy and apparently the goats love to eat the blackberry brambles… Ugh… That is one tough constitution those goats have.

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