A West Seattle sight that truly rocks

Rhonda from Beach Drive Blog (who also runs this week’s Citizen Rain “Blog Of The Week,” The Mortgage Porter) reminds us all that today is your last chance to visit the Walker Rock Garden till next year. She has a nice photo gallery from the garden here.

3 Replies to "A West Seattle sight that truly rocks"

  • Sue September 2, 2007 (4:31 pm)

    We drove over there and were very confused – I assumed that it would be a open yard we could walk into, but in order to visit it we would have to open a gate onto someone’s private property, which is right up next to the house – and there was no indication of what the protocol was. Do people just walk on in during those Sunday time periods? Are we supposed to ring the bell and ask permission? We ended up looking from the street and walking away, not wanting to disturb anyone. I guess we’ll have to wait until spring to visit again, but I’d love to know others’ experiences on whether to walk in or not.

  • Rhonda Porter September 3, 2007 (7:26 am)

    When I went there on Mother’s Day, I believe “the daugher” was there by the donation box. She was telling stories. I did not see her until we were well “into” the backyard.

    It is just like you describe, there is a chain link fence (if memory serves me) and you are walking right into their yard.

    It does feel a bit like you’re trespassing.

  • Sharon September 4, 2007 (2:13 pm)

    On the weekends the garden is open the owner usually (but not always) puts a sandwich board on the sidewalk. You can always check by going to the gate — if it’s unlocked it’s open. Or you can call ahead. It’s in the phone book under “Walker Rock Garden.”

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