The weather looks relatively good, knock wood. This is the weekend that Alki is awash in art, Shakespeare in the Park holds court at Camp Long, and we WSers are “Stuffing the Bus” at the Farmers’ Market for WestSide Baby‘s biggest annual diaper drive, among many other things (including a few events outside WS that might interest you) — click ahead!
ANYTIME IN THE NEXT FEW WEEKS: Shopping? Buy a backpack for the WS Helpline drive, and drop it off @ Capers or Helpline
FRIDAY-SATURDAY-SUNDAY: Annual “Divers’ Fair” @ Underwater Sports
ALL WEEKEND: Admiral Theater features “Spider-Man 3,” “Surf’s Up,” “Shrek the Third”
ALL WEEKEND: Colman Pool outdoor swims continue (schedule here)
ALL WEEKEND: Summer sale @ Village Green Perennial Nursery (check hours here)
ALL WEEKEND: Wading pools open at Delridge, Hiawatha, Highland Park, Hughes, Lincoln Park
FRIDAY AFTERNOON: Pizza & Pages, teens eat pizza & discuss the latest graphic novels @ Southwest Library, noon
FRIDAY AFTERNOON-EVENING: “Seldom-Noticed Surfaces,” art show @ ArtsWest during box-office hours, noon-7 pm
FRIDAY AFTERNOON: Brothers from Different Mothers, juggling @ High Point Library, 1:30 pm
FRIDAY NIGHT: Bobcat Bob, live music @ C & P Coffee, 6-8 pm
FRIDAY NIGHT: West Seattle YMCA Friendship Fire on Alki (at 58th), 7 pm
FRIDAY NIGHT: GreenStage presents “The Two Gentlemen of Verona” @ Camp Long, 7 pm
FRIDAY NIGHT: Eduardo Mendonca of Show Brazil performs @ Cafe Rozella, 7 pm
FRIDAY NIGHT: Betty, Marilyn, and Other Ladies We Love: A Tribute, @ Kenyon Hall, 7:30 pm
FRIDAY NIGHT: “Hair” @ ArtsWest, 7:30 pm (buy tickets online)
FRIDAY NIGHT: Seattle Glee Clubs Olio @ Youngstown Arts Center Theater, 8 pm
FRIDAY NIGHT: Live music @ Skylark with Red Orange Morning, Murder Party, Sons of Ivan, Bipolar Star, starts @ 9 pm
FRIDAY NIGHT: Post Harbor with The Lonely Forest, Easy Street After Hours, 9:30 pm
FRIDAY NIGHT: Midnight Movie Madness with “Heavy Metal” @ Admiral Theater
ALL DAY SATURDAY: Alki Art Fair on the beach, 10 am-6 pm
SATURDAY MORNING: Schmitz Preserve work party, 9 am-noon
SATURDAY MORNING: Me-Kwa-Mooks beach walk, register through Camp Long (684-7434), 9:30 am
SATURDAY MIDDAY: Thistle Street Greenspace work party, 10 am-2 pm
SATURDAY MIDDAY: West Duwamish Greenbelt work party, 10 am-2 pm
SATURDAY MIDDAY: Marco De Carvalho, live music @ C & P Coffee, 11 am-1 pm
SATURDAY AFTERNOON-EVENING: “Seldom-Noticed Surfaces,” art show @ ArtsWest during box-office hours, noon-7 pm
SATURDAY AFTERNOON: Lincoln Park nature walk focusing on unique native flora, register through Camp Long (684-7434), 12:30 pm
SATURDAY AFTERNOON: “Hair” @ ArtsWest, 3 pm (buy tickets online)
SATURDAY AFTERNOON: GreenStage presents “The Two Gentlemen of Verona” @ Camp Long, 3 pm
SATURDAY AFTERNOON: WS writer Joe Follansbee reads from his book “Shipbuilders, Sea Captains, and Fishermen: The Story of the Schooner Wawona” @ the Log House Museum, 4 pm
SATURDAY NIGHT: Rat City Rollergirls @ Magnuson Park Hangar 27, 5:30 pm
SATURDAY NIGHT: Jennifer Spector & David Tieman, live music @ C & P Coffee, 6-8 pm
SATURDAY NIGHT: “Best in Show” @ Movies on the Wall by Sidewalk Cinema, next to Hotwire Coffeehouse, doors open 7 pm, movie at sundown
SATURDAY NIGHT: GreenStage presents “Richard III” @ Camp Long, 7 pm
SATURDAY NIGHT: Betty, Marilyn, and Other Ladies We Love: A Tribute, @ Kenyon Hall, 7:30 pm
SATURDAY NIGHT: “Hair” @ ArtsWest, 7:30 pm (buy tickets online)
SATURDAY NIGHT: Seafair Torchlight Parade downtown (with WS entries including the Hi-Yu Festival Float), 7:30 pm
SATURDAY NIGHT: Live music @ Skylark with Slow Car Crash, Steve Carson Band, Brier Rose, starts @ 9 pm
SATURDAY NIGHT: No Quarter tribute to Led Zeppelin, with Peace Frog, @ Rocksport, 10 pm
SATURDAY NIGHT: Midnight Movie Madness with “Wizards” @ Admiral Theater
ALL DAY SUNDAY: Alki Art Fair on the beach, 10 am-6 pm
SUNDAY MORNING-AFTERNOON: West Seattle Farmers’ Market @ The Junction, 10 am-2 pm
SUNDAY MORNING-AFTERNOON: WestSide Baby “Stuff the Bus” diaper drive @ Farmers’ Market, bring disposable diapers and drop them off at the big yellow bus parked outside the Market, 10 am-2 pm
SUNDAY MORNING: Classic movie @ Admiral Theater, “Singin’ in the Rain,” 10:30 am
SUNDAY AFTERNOON: Free community meal hosted by Calvary Lutheran “and friends” @ Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish Hall, 1-3 pm
SUNDAY AFTERNOON: West Seattle Big Band plays @ Ballard Locks, 2-4 pm
SUNDAY AFTERNOON: Seattle Glee Clubs Olio @ Youngstown Arts Center Theater, 2:30 pm
SUNDAY AFTERNOON: “Hair” @ ArtsWest, 3 pm (buy tickets online)
SUNDAY NIGHT: All-ages live music @ Skylark with Jenni Potts, Cielle, Sammy Barrett, starts @ 7 pm
Whatever we’re missing, tell us by leaving a comment, or sending e-mail. Thanks!
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