West Seattle, Washington
03 Monday
Now, the real challenge: Sleeping in a house that hasn’t let go of the afternoon heat yet. In case you face a similar challenge, here are three final photos for the day. First, the incredible neon sunset, photographed from the top of Gatewood Hill:
Next, a view of Duwamish Head before the sun went down, photographed by Bill Barna:
And from 35th and Roxbury, a tropical — and appropriate — window decoration.
OK, off now to stuff ice cubes in the pillowcase …
More than two dozen heat-braving souls just wrapped up the first of two meetings led by an earnest Alki couple, Libby and Paul Carr, who are trying to salvage the stalled Alki Statue of Liberty plaza project. Ultimately, the final say on the future of this West Seattle icon rests elsewhere …Read More
The old Neilsen Florist building on the north edge of The Junction is one step closer to transformation into Shadowland: The neon just came off the old sign (photo below), and a knowledgeable source tells us it was offered to the Neilsen family. (This is just down the block from Shoofly Pie Company, which opens this Saturday, if your calendar’s not already marked!)
Are we SURE we really want to whine about the heat (97 at the official gauge at Sea-Tac as of 4 pm, a new record for this date)? Consider what had hit us half a year ago (photo from Upper Fauntleroy, Jan. 11, 2007):
The city is selling some of the old street signs it has been replacing (we’d estimate two-thirds of the signs around WS already have been replaced). The inventory list (with prices) includes some WS signs.
Thanks again to eagle-eyed goat-spotters for letting us know Rent-A-Ruminant (read a recent article about them) is in action along Admiral. Here’s the photographic proof:
Sorry we just woke up to something the rest of blogland has been chattering about for, well, hours … Since it’s 7/11, you can get a free Slurpee at 7-11. In WS, 7-11s are on Harbor Ave, at 35th/Avalon, Admiral south of Cali, Charlestown/Cali, and Cali/Erskine.
… big high temperature coming … It’s 7 degrees hotter than it was this time yesterday (Boeing Field 84 now, 77 24 hours ago). Our refuge suggestion this hour: Indoor swimming @ Southwest Pool & Community Center. (Public swim coming up at 1:30 pm!)
-One last reminder, the Alki Statue of Liberty meeting is 7 pm tonight, by the statue site. Up for discussion: Put the new statue on the old base and call it good, or keep the new statue in storage till a “plaza” for it can be paid for and built. (“Do it now” supporters are running this on Craigslist.)
-Tonight and every Wednesday night through Aug. 22, West Seattle’s megachurch is inviting its flock to weekly Lincoln Park barbecues.
-Not only will The Junction be jumping for Summer Fest this Fri-Sat-Sun, but tomorrow night has two big events as well: “Hair” opens at ArtsWest; and Divina plans a “post-construction celebration” to commemorate the completion of the paving project, with art as well as live music by Brazilian singer/guitarist Kiko Freitas.
-Art is also in the picture for the south edge of WS tomorrow night @ 7 pm, as Cafe Rozella premieres a photo exhibit, described as “native youth look(ing) at their environment.)
-And if you like low-tide beach walking, enjoy four days of midday low tides starting tomorrow.
We won’t be able to check this out in person for a few hours, so we don’t know yet if they’re back in action today, but a couple notes have come in saying The Goats were at work in West Seattle again, this time on hillside brush toward the bridge end of Admiral.
People in WSB-land who haven’t passed out from heat exhaustion yet (78 at midnight! 12 degrees above San Diego!) were nice enough to send photos that might cool you off a degree or two.
First, from Luckie, a “party island” spotted off Alki on pirate day:
Second, from Jerry at JetCityOrange, a decorated tree in the window at Sleep Country in Westwood Village (we’re sorry we didn’t snap the inflatable snowman we saw the other day at Renton Honda, would have been a nice accompaniment):
Send us your pics, thoughts, tips, rumors, whatever, anytime.