Two summer events worth planning for now

April 14, 2007 10:38 am
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We appreciate the growing number of folks who e-mail us with info about upcoming events as well as news tips, photos, sightings, questions. Two such e-mails in the past week or so are about summer events for which you can register now:

-Team sign-up is under way for the American Cancer Society Relay for Life at WS Stadium June 22-23. If your life has been touched by cancer (whose hasn’t? each member of the WSB team lost a parent to Big C), consider participating or at least donating. Lots of info here.

-With just two more months left in the school year, it’s time for parents to plan kids’ summer activities, often a crazyquilt of day camps, babysitters, etc. Here’s a day-camp week right here in WS: Camp Fire is sponsoring a weeklong day camp at Lincoln Park, July 30-Aug. 3. More here about the activities; go here to register.

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