Viral voting?

Just when we were about to declare this a slow Friday night and back away from the computer, e-mail arrived with a note a WSB reader says he just got from the King County Elections Department, warning that Providence Mount St. Vincent will not be a polling place next Tuesday because of “sporadic cases of the norovirus over the past month.” According to the letter, three precincts whose residents usually vote at PMSV  are instead being directed to vote at High Point Community Center. (Can’t reach anyone to find out more on this, but the Times did recently mention a general increase in local nursing-home noro outbreaks.)

1 Reply to "Viral voting?"

  • LyndaB February 2, 2007 (9:23 pm)

    We received that notice as well. I did remember the Times article. It’s a big deal. That’s why I keep backing out of going on a cruise.

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