day : 15/03/2006 3 results

Sounding the alarm

The March issue of the Alki News Beacon is out … and our dear pals are revealing rough times. Good gosh, in a world where we can spend billions on bombs, we should be able to scrape up a few bucks for a good grass-roots community group & its newsletter.

I was going to suggest — have you guys tried brainstorming with Megawatt? Then I went to the MW home page & got an idea … how about a big rummage sale to raise $ for your group? I don’t live on that side of town any more but I promise I’d donate!

Alki hotel not dead yet?

March 15, 2006 6:37 am
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 |   West Seattle news

We’d been wondering what was up with that unpopular project. There’s a bit of an update buried way down in this new WS Herald story about what else the developers are up to.

Be on the lookout

March 15, 2006 6:33 am
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 |   WS breaking news

There’s a lost little old guy out there, a walkaway from Providence Mount St. Vincent. No photo but a good description in this story.