whale off Alki point today

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    No kidding:))))

    i was on the Bremerton ferry today just before noon.. and as it passed Alki point, i saw a whlae surface, blow and do a shallow dive (no tail)..

    so i alerted those who were around me.. and it came up again.. blew.. arched up out of the water and dove.. waving it’s tail at us on the way down.

    this made my day. heck.. it made my summer!

    some kayakers should have gotten a real show if they were turned the right way.. there were a bunch of them just off the point.



    I am totally jealous…..I missed your call, had errands, friend in the ER (he’s ok), just a bunch of stuff…I’m so glad you got to play and feel the wind in your hair…and see the whales…WOW !!!



    I got to report a whale sighting to whale watch:))))))



    Yep, it was a humpback. I saw it today around 2:30pm from the Victoria Clipper, about 1 mile south of West Point Light.



    Wonder if it was that same one that was hanging out around Point Defiance a few weeks back – we went to Vashon to ride that ferry roundtrip at the time in hopes of seeing it, no luck. The Orca Network’s nightly e-mail hasn’t come in yet, this will probably be in it. I am adding to the potpourri of water-ish news I posted before the Beach Drive fire … TR



    I saw the whale today, in the middle of Elliot Bay, while kayaking home to Lincoln Park from the Ballard Locks. It was unbelievable, I was about 50′ away in my kayak when it came to the surface and surfaced and “spouted” about a half dozen times. Incredible.



    If this kinda thing interests you, you really should look into going down to Baja where they migrate to have their babies.

    We did this in March and took our 8year old. It was the most amazing experience I have ever had.

    Not only are the whales surfacing, but they come to your boat and let you pet them, kiss them…..

    The mamas are showing of their babies and they lift the babies up for you to touch. They also get underneath your boat and lift it up a little (playing).

    It really is a truly incredible experience. You should check into it. I’m pretty sure you can Google “whale watching in Baja” and get all kinds of info. If you want any further info, feel free to let me know and I can forward everything.



    So…T..was that you I saw on King 5 this evening talking about your kayaking to work?



    Yep. It was funny, they talked to me at the Ballard Locks first, then when I got in to Lincoln Park. The whale part wasn’t planned! I have a low res shot from my phone, but don’t know how to post it here.



    T.. how wonderful!

    I have to tell you that as the ferry passed.. i was totally envious of those kayakers off the point.

    what a great way to get to work!

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