Car Parked on Alki Trail….

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    Schmitz Park Dad

    ….completely blocking the bike trail. I stopped my run to talk to a police officer in Starbucks, who did not seem to care. When I told him about this problem, he went back to reading his book.



    you have to call parking enforcement
    everyone is specialized these days :(


    Junction Joe


    Police officers have the authority to enforce parking regulations. If he didn’t want to do the work himself, he could at least have contacted Parking Enforcement to get it done.



    The last time I called Parking Enforcement I was told by the officer who answered the call that PE no longer existed. She suggested I write a letter to the Mayor to complain.
    Very helpful.



    Had any of you thought maybe this SPD was on a well deserved break and that the complaint given to him or her was not a life threatening emergency??? Geez give him/her a break!



    Just because it wasn’t a “life threatening emergency” doesn’t mean it was unimportant and doesn’t justify the cop blowing the complaint off. Of course he deserves his break (if that’s what it was), but a citizen asking an officer for help deserves to be treated with respect and not be simply ignored. A simple explanation like “I’m on my break, but here’s how to reach Parking Enforcement” would be better than rudeness.



    yes, but was he rude? Did he tell the OP to go jump in a lake and find someone who cared? That would be rude. If you were on your break, and a boss passed you and saaid that you needed to do something NOW, would you simply do it? That said…instead of coming on here and grousing, the OP couldn’t have just called Parking enforcement? Respect gets respect…it’s a two way street. People see this in different ways…I neither agree nor disagree with the OP…just wonder why it was so offensive to the OP that he had to come here and bad mouth a member of the SPD, followed by more bad mouthing by people who weren’t there.



    Schmitz Park Dad

    It was a really odd situation. I explained that there was a guy in the car who may be drunk or sleeping in the car. The police office could not have been less concerned. He looked annoyed that I bothered him, then went back to his book. I think the least he could have done was radio’d another police office who cared. The man in the car could have been having a medical emergency.

    I love the police, but not this police officer.



    now that’s different…when it involves people who may be compromised, that definitely needs attention. Maybe a 911 call about someone in distress would have gotten more action.. O_o


    Schmitz Park Dad

    Was running with no cell phone, so unable to call 911. Thought speaking to an officer just two blocks from the incident was the best approach, so I thought.



    So, the story changes… If you thought he was in trouble (unconscious, dead, et al) did you tap on his window? Did you tell the police there was a person passed out in a car? I am getting the picture that many people don’t understand how to a)determine when there is an emergency and b) how to properly relay the message that an emergency is happening. If you approach an officer (visibly on break) to tell him someone is parked in the wrong place, I can see how he would rather not bother. However, if you approach him to say someone is unconscious and blocking traffic, then it should be handled urgently.
    It’s all in the approach. My own experience with notifying a cop-when I was phone-less-was much more successful. I haven’t had trouble with West Seattle cops, they are very diligent and respectful.



    I agree with JanS and newnative,,,if you thought there was a person in distress then yes go to a police officer if one is near or you should had just called 911 yourself and in the case of you, you had no phone so the officer was your 1st responsible person to go to but you did not tell “him” that you thought the person was in distress…so no one to blame here especially the officer.

    • This reply was modified 8 years ago by SDS1915.

    Schmitz Park Dad

    By bad. I should have asked the police officer if I could borrower his cell phone to call 911.



    Schmitz Park Dad….now this is just getting pitiful with your reasonings of what you should had done or not done…give me a hankie and I’ll go sit in the corner and cry for you because no one is feeling sorry for you!!!
    You just felt that the officer didn’t give you his full attention and so you thought the WSB Forum would and in a way it is but GROW-UP or should I say MAN-UP


    Schmitz Park Dad


    I went directly up to a police officer in West Seattle and requested assistance for an incident just two blocks away, and was completely blown off by that officer. 20 minutes later I returned to the location of the incident with a cell phone and was disappointed to find that the police officer just two blocks away did not arrive, nor did he radio another office to check out the issue. I then called the SPD and spoke to someone who was helpful and agreed to assist. It should not be this difficult, especially when a police officer is only 100 yards away.

    I was thinking the WS Blog would be a reasonable place to discuss the non-response of a police officer who would not address a nearby incident within our West Seattle community.



    Calm down, people. The OP did not intend to create a firestorm. You’ve turned his original post into a nontroversy.



    Jeannie: I absolutely adore the word “nontroversy”, it’s perfectly accurate.

    Schmitz Park Dad: I echo your frustration with coming to a strong community resource to voice your concerns about things happening in our community. It’s sad the level of animosity thrown at you for sharing your story–being attacked over semantics and lack of action or actual action. I keep saying it, this blog forum needs a meet up where we all where our forum handles on a name tag, I would be wildly interested to see if people are this rude and inconsiderate to another person’s face instead of just hiding behind an online profile. Thank you for sharing the concern you had for a potential situation and person in need, even if it wasn’t that…these keyboard heroes clearly didn’t see it that way



    Thanks, Greystreet! I find myself using the word “nontroversy” more and more these days! Too many people tend to be on perpetual witch-hunts, angry and outraged, torches raised behind their keyboards.



    Jeannie and GreyStreet…no where in the original post did the OP’er say there was a person in distress OP just said there was a vehicle parked on the trail and then after people started giving the OP a rashin’ of shI$ he then change his story (I may say a whole day later/look at time stamps) and said there was a person in the car. So if people as you two say are being unfairly judging him well… if the shoe fits…



    To play devil’s advocate, maybe the OP felt he didn’t need to be SO specific initially because who would have thought this post could have turned negative when it was a (presumably) man just posting about his attempted good deed at alerting law enforcement to an issue–but if anyone has ever read the WSB forums we all know that the naysaying abounds…what I’m actually surprised at is how this isn’t being blamed on off-leash dogs, because, well if anyone hasn’t noticed they’re the reason for everyone’s problems :::laughing till I cry emoji:::



    LOL!!!!! it’s a good thing I’m a indoor cat owner!



    LOL I would say so, otherwise it’s a dog eat dog world here in WS



    Greystreet – you first. Show yourself. Why do a meet-n-greet when you can drop the veil right now, and name yourself.

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