Bizarro World Exercise

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  • #871917


    As I refuse to get further drawn into these ridiculous political discussion here any longer…because they’re pointless due to preposterous and incoherent posts, I’ll say only this; there was no rampant violence. The Black Brigade was a vanishingly small sliver of far less than 1% of the protesters and at least 200 were rounded up. Again, hardly rampant violence.

    The Donald has refuse to communicate, by and large, with the press unless it’s about the crowd size for his inauguration.

    The Donald has shut down the ability for the departments of the Gov’t to communicate with America.

    The Donald has begun the process to restrict the immigration of Muslims by restricting immigration from predominantly Muslim nations.

    The Donald has appointed thoroughly unqualified persons for cabinet level positions, and persons who are diametrically opposed to the mission of those departments.

    The investment decisions that the Donald is hogging the credit for, by GM and Ford and other large American corporations, to make further investment, here in the US, were already made long before his election.

    The assertion by certain member of this board that us lefties “get used to it” is the same demand that is often made by others in totalitarian regimes. I will not pay one whit of attention to what Michael Savage (Weiner) or anyone else has to say, I prefer evidence based argument, not spittle drenched rage. Yes, I understand that is another thread Capt Dave, but I refuse to do this twice.

    The twisting of behaviors and agendas of the fascists and socialists, to use the extreme and self serving definitions, by members of this august assembly is irritating and smacks of insincerity and an unwillingness to have an honest discussion, only an inflammatory one.

    Fox, Breitbart, pundits of any stripe and the lot are not acceptable sources for actual data. Generally speaking, unless it’s followed by a .gov, .edu or a .org, it’s not a citable source. This is a common rule of thumb for research online and is just the first step. I left out whole raft of others and not restricted to the right. The left certainly has its counterparts.

    For those of you who support the Donald you have elcted a man child who is spending a shocking amount of time worrying about his popularity, who has worked on dismantling the ACA (we also call that ObamaCare, I know that’s been a matter of confusion on your side of the aisle) and leaving more than 20M without insurance (remember that insurance is not healthcare, people) with no paln to do anything about this. The plan on dismantling the Social security Administration and Medicare, something that many of you have paid into your entire working lives, something that the boys in Congress have raided to the tune of trillions of dollars and is NOT a part of the General Fund and, hence, not able to incur deficit or debt.

    We’ve not been in a position like this since the late 1920’s, with the “conservatives” being in control of the presidency, congress and a large number of states and Im sure we all recall what happened then. I’ll give you a hint, it starts with a D.

    The concerns of the left are well founded as they are, often, supported on FACTS, of which there can be only one.

    By the way, Clinton and Obama are the only president in living memory, or ever I think, that have ever reduced the deficit. Ever. That, my friends on the right, is a FACT!



    redblack: I am not in disagreement with you. I just don’t know how you think these issues could have been corrected under a continuation of the Obama regime under Hillary. There was nothing in her campaign that indicated a serious reduction in the obstructive, protectionist regulation that keeps the big guys in control.

    mark47n: Just be happy that the march towards global communism has now ended. Maybe you should try to remember the hundreds of millions of people who suffered and died in the twentieth century under the ideology you embrace.



    Captain Dave..
    yup. the stock market is up now.. fueled by promises ..
    but what will it be in 6 months? likely sliding. and by next year? Oh dear :(
    and yes.. you can track that for me. As it turns out my campaign predictions have been fairly accurate so far :(



    “I just don’t know how you think these issues could have been corrected under a continuation of the Obama regime under Hillary.”

    all right, dave! now we’re getting realz!

    your first clue:

    i’m not a fan of hillary clinton. i’ve said that many times before. it’s archived. please try to pay attention.

    and if you dare call me a snowflake, you’ll take your virtual teeth home in a virtual ziploc baggie.


    [edit]: do you think it’s possible that we have common ground, dave?

    i’m enthusiastic to throw corporate money and influence out of the democratic party.

    will you pledge the same for the party of lincoln?

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by redblack.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by redblack.


    lolol…the march towards global communism…what an effing crock…now we have a march to global fascism…ain’t that grand !



    redblack…just remember what happens when all of the snowflakes get together…it/and they can downright shut it all down when the blizzard comes…



    yeah, jan, but i’m a snowflake on my own terms. i won’t let the bastards dictate the conditions.



    redblack: This last election was a binary choice between socialism and capitalism. Only the uninformed and ignorant abstained by voting some other option in protest. I know that you are an intelligent and informed person. I accept that both Socialism and Capitalism are valid historical forms of government. Each individual has their own reasons and beliefs for which one they advocate. But so often, there is enormous disparity of factual knowledge to make a truly informed choice.

    Everyone should be enthusiastic about taking disproportionate money out of politics. But remember that corporate entities are made up of people too. Your pensions are likely invested in companies who you expect to make a return to fund your retirement. It is their fiscal responsibility to advocate on your behalf–the collective of share holders.

    Both the Democratic and Republican parties were fraught with underhanded payoffs, graft and corruption. I am hopeful Trump with follow through with badly needed ethics reform in government. No politician at his level has held office with so few markers owed in probably more than a century. If anyone can end the destructive cycle of pay-to-play politicking, it would be Trump.

    JanS: What do you believe is the difference between fascism, socialism and communism? Look up what Lenin and Stalin say about it. There is not much difference. All roads of forced equality lead to tyranny.



    no, dave. the election was not about socialism versus capitalism. that’s a talking point. the election was about aristocracy running government.

    aristocracy won.

    and i think that both major candidates/parties represented aristocracy when it comes to the economy. all other concerns are secondary to our collective fiscal health. obviously clinton is more socially liberal and less susceptible to the voices of religious xenophobia. but trump’s megalomania coupled with republican sanctimony is looking constitutionally dangerous to me.

    you appear to need a game. an opponent. an enemy. i can’t think of any other reason why you keep trying to convince yourself that i’m a socialist, other than militant, weaponized ignorance.

    i don’t need an enemy to justify my beliefs… unless you’re trying to buy government, or you advocate oligarchy. if that’s the case, we’re going to have issues, because i believe that behavior is contrary to everything this country stands for and all that our predecessors fought and died for.

    look: somebody convinced you that the enemy is me, because i took the candy from you, or that i have designs on your money and that i want to curtail your livelihood to empower bums. or that i just want the power to subject you to my morals.

    sadly, you would rather believe them than me.

    i don’t want your candy, for myself or anyone else. i don’t need your allegiance to my beliefs.

    but you may be right that trump is the only one who can end this sh!t. if so, i don’t think he’ll do it of his own volition. he’s going to p!ss off the wrong people: we, the people.

    this could get ugly.

    but you and all other conservatives reading this should know that i don’t hate you, or think that you knowingly side with fascists, or that you are my enemy. i know why you voted the way you did, i understand your concerns, and i support and defend your right to vote and believe however you want. viciously. and i think your concerns are very similar to mine; although i don’t agree with the tactic of stridently vilifying your neighbors and telling them and yourself that you know their beliefs better than they do for petty political reasons. we need to end that nonsense.

    when push comes to shove – which is approaching quickly – i honestly believe that you’ll see that we’re on the same side.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by redblack.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by redblack.


    ethics….there’s a loaded word…



    fascism is corporate or private control of a nation’s economy, and often, thereby, its government. it’s the exact opposite of collectivism or socialism.

    fascism, an economic model, should not be confused with authoritarianism or totalitarianism, which are forms of governance.

    however, all fascist governments have historically been totalitarian. so have most second- and third-world socialist or communist governments.

    but the socialist democracies of the netherlands have nothing in common with, say, the authoritarian or miltaristic socialism of the USSR in the twentieth century.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by redblack.


    your nuances are showing ;-)



    by the way, dave, word on The Street is that wall street sees trump POTUS, inc., as a bad credit risk, and they refuse to lend him any more rubles.

    i don’t see how the donald has “fewer markers” than, say, bu$h, inc. or romney, inc.

    or clinton, inc.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by redblack.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by redblack.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by redblack.


    roadblock: Compare the money raised between the two candidates–totals and sources. You will see.



    Captain Dave..
    that wasn’t what Redblack was talking about…



    i seriously hope “roadblock” was an autocorrect issue, dave. calling me names gets you permanently blocked/ignored. i don’t want to do that, but i will unless you tell me that you didn’t intend to type that.

    so in case you still don’t understand where i’m coming from, the very fact that presidential candidates have to raise billions of dollars to be elected POTUS is a crime, in my opinion. federal elections have become a cash bonanza for big media.

    that is not what our forebears fought and died for. that is not how democracies are supposed to function. cash is not free speech, and it should not be permitted to buy the right to speak for and govern the people. that goes for the tea party, greens, dems, socialists, and republicans alike.

    the next successful candidate for POTUS will address the issue, and we’ll have trump to thank for it, because he’s exposing everything that’s wrong with our campaign finance and election systems.

    in that way (and only that way) trump will accomplish something that obama and clinton never could.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by redblack.


    redblack: Sorry. didn’t see the autocorrect–although it could be appropriate for some other responses I suppose. :)

    Yes, it would be wonderful if the world was full of pink unicorns, free ice cream and everybody was honest and fair. But the world is not that way and our contests have to be based on the merits and tenacity of the participants. Think of it as natural selection in politics. If the candidates can’t figure out how to win agains t the odds, then they aren’t a strong enough change candidate.

    How can you say this is not what our forefathers fought and died for? The scale is certainly greater, but the process is not that much different. As we had seen with this last presidential election, one candidate spent twice as much as the other, but was too week and complacent to even hold the high-ground position.

    I think you are mistaken on your analysis. What was exposed is that tenacious underdog candidates that work to represent the electorate can still win against establishment players–regardless of the money they raise.



    Captain Dave..

    let’s see.. we have a guy in the White House who didn’t carefully read the Presidential whatever he signed that put someone who couldn’t pass a security clearance on the Security Council.. and you aren’t concerned?


    rationalize that :(



    Job: No. I cast my vote and now my job is done. If I have to micromanage the presidency, then I should have run for office myself.



    Dave: “No. I cast my vote and now my job is done.”

    If your idea of democracy is a token effort once every four years then you are a deeply flawed individual.

    “If I have to micromanage the presidency, then I should have run for office myself.”

    Yet you sure seem to have enough time on your hands to come berate others! Getting called out on your hypocrisy, it’s a real pain in the butt isn’t it?

    Your level of trolldom is pretty high but you still lurk under bridges. You should be familiar with that seeing as you consider yourself so adept at dark web intelligence gathering and whatnot right? Sorry Cap’n, you already hit the iceberg.



    Captain Dave..

    only if your guy wins ?????????



    J242: Whenever you post incoherent drivel, please refer to my post: #873369

    JoB: “only if your guy wins ?????????” Yes. I don’t like non-stop politics. I have other things to do. If the people I voted for are in office, then I rely on the opposition to nip at their heels. That is now your job. But don’t be an irrational lunatic because that will make you ineffective at this very important job.



    the captain said:

    What was exposed is that tenacious underdog candidates that work to represent the electorate can still win against establishment players–regardless of the money they raise.

    sure! so long as the “electorate” is the billionaire inheritance/investor class. not sure those folks have to work very hard to “put food on their families” (as w once said) anymore.

    get the money out and let the electorate put forth their best candidates, regardless of how much money they transfer from big campaign donors to big media.



    Captain Dave

    you do realize that name calling is not an effective argument? … don’t you ?



    “Job: No. I cast my vote and now my job is done. If I have to micromanage the presidency, then I should have run for office myself.”

    what a stupid effing statement…

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