1998 Toyota Tacoma Xtracab 2WD Pickup stolen from driveway 1/28/18

Home Forums West Seattle Lost and Found (non-pets) 1998 Toyota Tacoma Xtracab 2WD Pickup stolen from driveway 1/28/18

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    If anyone in the West Seattle/White Center area sees a black with grey detail striping 1998 Toyota Tacoma extended cab pickup, WA license B99369W around town, call the police. It was stolen from my driveway on 2nd Pl SW in White Center on Sunday, January 28th, 2018 sometime between 0550 and 1430.

    It’s got several bumper stickers on it, including the “COEXIST” made of religious symbols, a Black Drop Coffee House sticker, a Whatcom County Library System sticker, various world peace stickers, and other environmental/hippy leaning stickers.

    It is missing the black plastic bumper step cover, but only on the driver side, and that side of the bumper is bent in a touch.

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