West Seattle Crime Watch: Woman robbed by strong-arm bandits

We have information now on an incident reported in the WSB Forums last night, after people in The Junction around 9:30 pm saw a woman screaming, followed by a police search. Southwest Precinct Lt. Steve Paulsen confirms it was a “strong-arm robbery” near the QFC – 2 people, described only as “black males,” grabbed a woman’s purse and tried to take her cell phone, which the lieutenant says “she was using at the time.” No arrests so far. They’re looking into whether this might be related to other incidents, but they don’t have enough analysis to confirm a pattern so far.

18 Replies to "West Seattle Crime Watch: Woman robbed by strong-arm bandits"

  • Charlie Horse October 23, 2009 (1:30 pm)

    Undoubtedly more of those people paying $350,000 for condos looking for mortgage money… Hopefully she was not hurt, and the police have accurate descriptions

  • ellenater October 23, 2009 (1:44 pm)

    So that’s what it was. I have to say the community as well as the police response was really, really good. It’s nice to see that in the face of stuff like this. Also, the woman screamed incredibly loud. Not a good thing to hear but good for her! We missed seeing it happen by maybe 30 seconds.

  • Admiral Lady October 23, 2009 (2:15 pm)

    Wow!! Ripping a cell phone out of someone’s hand in a busy area…. brazen! too bad this woman didn’t have a gun to whip out. God, I’m so sick of hearing of these things happening in WS

  • Kathy October 23, 2009 (2:16 pm)

    I drove by as police cars with lights flashing were scouring the neighborhood. Really had a bad feeling about getting out of my car and walking into my house – I live a few blocks away on 42nd.

  • Sammy October 23, 2009 (2:22 pm)

    Yes, to what do we owe this recent change in the air? and what can be done about this? I guess all we can do is report any abnormal behavior.


  • marty October 23, 2009 (2:25 pm)

    Black males? Again? Boy, I sure am tempted to say that, but I won’t because that wouldn’t be politically correct.

  • LB October 23, 2009 (2:28 pm)

    Sorry to hear this happened. We may not like it, but West Seattle is now a “destination” area for this sort of crime.


    Only thing I might offer is that we all increase our situational awareness when out and about at night in the Junction and other areas. It get’s dark earlier now and easier for criminals to pull this sort of stuff off. The woman here was on her cell phone and that implies she was tuned out and more easily taken by surprise.

  • WSB October 23, 2009 (2:56 pm)

    If you didn’t have time to read the numerous crime prevention stories we published this week – from a series of community meetings – PLEASE go back this weekend when you can spare some time and read them. The “categories” list on the right sidebar has the CRIME category – that is an archive, newest to oldest, of everything we tag for that category, and you should find the stories there – LOTS of good advice from police, some I hadn’t heard before. Meantime, working on yet another story. Skyelar Hailey was sentenced a short time ago and I was in the courtroom for that. Details ahead – Tracy

  • pie October 23, 2009 (3:11 pm)

    “too bad this woman didn’t have a gun to whip out.”
    Yeah too bad we didn’t have bullets flying around the Junction last night. Because someone who gets pounced on while distracted by talking on a cell phone would probably be a really accurate shot.
    Screaming bloody murder was the right thing here. Good for her.

  • Let October 23, 2009 (8:43 pm)

    For those of you criticizing the victim, think again. She’s a friend of mine. She’s not a yuppie in a pricey condo, but a longtime West Seattleite. She works in public service, and the long hours she puts in benefit all of you. And, she was on the phone, because after working a 13-hour+ day, work had called her just as she got off the bus.

    These are our friends and neighbors being attacked. We’ve got to look out for each other, lest we become the next victim.

  • TK October 24, 2009 (12:29 am)

    better hope she doesn’t have self activating GPS on her phone. My G1 would get them BUSTED in no time.

  • neighborly October 24, 2009 (3:00 am)

    I was disturbed to notice that two QFC checkers, during a lull in customers, were talking together while looking through a catalogue of handguns at 9 pm on Tuesday night. That made me feel a bit unsafe returning to my car alone after shopping.

  • Pie October 24, 2009 (10:33 am)

    Uh, Let? I don’t see anyone criticizing the victim here. People just pointed out she was on her phone and probably this made her more taken by surprise.
    Settle down. The main theme I saw here was people glad she made a racket.

  • Natalie October 24, 2009 (12:20 pm)

    More violent crime in the Junction? what’s going on?

  • Veteran Wisdom October 24, 2009 (4:30 pm)

    Why would that make you feel unsafe, were they reading in an aggressive manner?

  • Cntrd October 24, 2009 (10:07 pm)

    Did you all know that the new QFC has no security cameras at its entrances? A security image sure could have helped the SPD investigation because the perps were facing the store and did not even try to conceal themselves. Maybe the community can put pressure on QFC to do something about that. It could have happened to anyone….to any of you.

    I also know the victim from Thursday night and her normal routine is to be extremely vigilant and aware. This is her neighborhood and her comfort zone; she’s extremely invested in the area…..but also very careful. She was attacked right on QFC’s property in a very brightly lit area just feet from the entrance. Before using her cell phone she did check all around her. She’s going through a pretty agonizing time right now second-guessing herself.

    A normally articulate and expressive person – as
    anyone who heard her scream Thursday night
    knows – she’s guarding herslef right now due to the total identity theft she has experienced, but she is grateful to all the people who came to
    her aid and helped the police, who also provided
    an outstanding response that night.

    Thanks to all you good samaritans out there.
    Watch out for yourself and each other. Don’t
    let these creeps win.

  • laurie October 25, 2009 (12:06 pm)

    The description is shocking! Look to the slum properties in the area that receive section 8 vouchers.

  • Travis November 4, 2009 (3:51 pm)

    So, Marty and Laurie, we should all look upon poor people and black people as possible criminals and treat them as such?
    What a great idea.
    I’d suggest never leaving your house as ‘those’ people are everywhere.

Sorry, comment time is over.