West Seattle Junction Car Show postscript: Final notes

At one point during Sunday’s West Seattle Junction Car Show, organizer Michael Hoffman of Liberty Bell Printing – who shared the top photo – said something that had occurred to us too: The crowd at times seemed West Seattle Summer Fest-sized. A couple followups: For one, though admission was free, the raffles had great participation, so in the end, $1,671 was donated to West Seattle Helpline. Meantime, here’s a last look at several of the winners — these were chosen by major sponsors – here’s the ’69 Chevelle that won the Don Swanson Insurance Award:

This purple Camaro was the Puerto Vallarta pick:

Best Ford, a 1969 Shelby Cobra Mustang:

Best foreign entry, this 1953 Citroen:

And of all the decade-by-decade winners, our personal favorite was the one from the ’40s – this vintage 1949 school bus:

Also congrats to Jim Clark, who won “Best West Seattle Car” (and we failed to get a shot of his car!). Post-show, lots of photo galleries have turned up online. Mario Pipkin published one on the Old Riders Car Club site. Organizer Michael shared another photo – members of the Bakery Nouveau team in their official Car Show T-shirts:

Brian Zenk shared a collage:

And some cars had just plain fun touches – like this one with the gremlin under the hood:

Our two as-it-happened reports from show day can be seen here and here. Meantime, looks like plans for a third annual Junction Car Show are definitely in motion. Next major event in The Junction – Trick-or-Treating, 1-3 pm on Halloween.

5 Replies to "West Seattle Junction Car Show postscript: Final notes"

  • John September 22, 2009 (8:12 am)

    Fantastic event!….The weather was perfect and the different vehicles, from those being worked on to those complete, made the event that much better. I’m looking forward to next year.

    Oh wait…we could do away with the DJ dude. He was sorta in your face with the high volume.

  • Colleen September 22, 2009 (9:35 pm)

    Thanks to everyone who came to the show and made it what it was!!

    We had a lot of fun running the raffle and were able to make a great donation to the Helpline!

    Looking forward to next year.

  • Jim September 22, 2009 (10:22 pm)

    69 Chevelle??? That looks like a 1970 to me.

  • WSB September 22, 2009 (10:23 pm)

    I’m just going to take the years all out, sigh. This is the info we got from the folks handing out the awards. But I already got one note earlier today from someone saying the year was wrong on one. We have also learned, for next year, that when you take photos of cars, shoot the placard with their entry number first, so there’s no guessing later “WHICH one is the 1927 Ford whatever?” – TR

  • JumboJim September 23, 2009 (2:52 pm)

    I agree that it was a great show. Last year was really nice for a first year, but this year kicked butt! I think I heard that there was something like 275 cars? It was great to see more foreign cars this year. I loved the Citroen, MG, Triumph, Alfa Romeo and others.

    I also agree about the DJ being TOO LOUD! He would’ve been just fine if the volume was lower – it was almost painful when you got near a speaker and plenty loud away from them too. And this from a slightly hard of hearing guy (me).

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