West Seattle Crime Watch: 6 reports from north to south

We often publish West Seattle Crime Watch reports individually as they come in – this time, six have stacked up during the busy past day-plus, so we now have several to share, from burglary to bike theft to “casing” – all in the following roundup – read on (and p.s., sign up by Friday to strengthen your neighborhood with a Night Out block party on August 4!):

If you are only interested in crimes in your area, you can click here to jump ahead to the neighborhoods included in this long series of reports:


FROM JOHN IN “THE JUNCTION” (aka Alaska Junction):

55cm Kona Jake the Snake cyclocross bike got ripped off today [Friday], everyone keep your eyes peeled! Stolen in West Seattle near the Alaska Junction. It’s the old school Black and White with the glow in the dark paint. Alpha Q fork, 3TTT stem flipped upside down, and the left side bar tape is different from the right side. Ultegra/105 mix, Mavic CPX wheels. Very unique and identifiable. Post on WSB if anyone hears or sees anything.


At approximately 4:30pm on 7/24 a man maybe 17-18 years of age rang our doorbell and and asked to use the restroom. 48th and Findlay. About 6 feet tall and 200-230 pounds with blond hair and partially shaved head. Told him to leave and he did but lingered. Could be casing the neighborhood.


I live on 31st and Holden. I was awakened by the sound of my dogs barking at 4am and didn¹t generally take it as much of anything, but at the same time I curiously heard the sound of our front gate open. (I guess the sound of metal clanging together is audible enough in the dead of night) I ran to the living room window and strangely enough saw a dark figure at our front gate, closing it as quietly as he could. I saw this person then walk to my brother’s truck and look through the windows with a flashlight before hopping into an awaiting car and speeding off.

At that point I ran outside and checked all our cars and the surrounding areas of our house. While doing so I looked down the street and saw red brake lights in the distance. Again, they jumped out and cased another vehicle/house and I immediately called the ‘non-emergency’ number and reported the suspicious activity. Didn¹t seem like they cared (police), but I wanted to let everyone on the blog know!


White male early to late 20’s brownish hair, thin build, camo pants, black backpack, was seen Friday prowling alleyways in the Morgan Junction neighborhood, police were called, quickly responded. Not sure of apprehension. He was seen looking in our neighbors’ back yards, later we saw him down our alley with a roll of copper wire stolen from our electrician neighbor. When he was approached he quickly turned and walked the opposite direction.


I wanted to report that my home was burglarized (Wednesday). It happened between 4:40-5pm. I have reported this to the police. I live in the 9400 block between Barton and Roxbury on 34th. The suspect(s) must have been watching me as they hit my home the moment I left to walk my dog. I was only gone for 15 mins. They stole my purse and all my camera equipment, Canon EOS Digital SLR, XTI, macro lens and camera bag.

The police said there is a surge of burglaries happening and they think it’s by teens or early 20’s. They are on foot and only take what they can carry and sell quickly for cash. Earlier this week I had spoken to my block watch captain and he let me know of 2 young males, one white and one black, that were canvassing our n’hood ‘selling magazines’ – knocking on doors and seeing who was home. I was out of town over the weekend but my neighbor saw them near my home. My dog was home however and probably scared them away with his barking. Then, within 15 mins the very white male the block watch captain told me about walked up to me and asked me if I had seen a black guy in a green shirt – saying he was ‘his partner’ and that they ‘sell magazines’. He then asked me if I wanted to buy any. I said no. This guy was dressed like a drug dealer, didn’t have any identification on him that showed his legitimacy of what he was selling, no I.D. or placard, etc… Later, while walking my dog I DID walk past his partner but said nothing. I recognized him by the description.

Now, it may be this guy or guys or it may not. I also have had bad feelings about some of the people living in the condos on 35th – and in my alley. Either way, I was being watched and they broke in the moment I left with my dog.

As it’s hot out and we are all leaving windows open and doors, please be careful and lock everything up before you leave, even if it’s for only 15 minutes! The police officer said they were in my house 2-3 mins tops. I am still unsure how they got into my house. There was no visible sign of break-in.


I live around 28th Ave SW & 116th SW right near the new Shorewood Elementary School and came home to a ransacked house. It seems some delinquents entered our house by prying our old 1950’s garage door (with a grill brush left outside) just enough so one of them could slip under and into our place. They took two laptops, all our cameras (2 digital point & shoots, 2 SLRs plus lenses), a Nintendo DS, iPod shuffle, all the wires for our electronics, some jewelry and a watch…and carried it all away in our soccer bag on a customized black Specialized mountain bike (definitely the highest priced item). The thieves used our knives to pry open our fire-safe file cabinet (though they found nothing of value there) and our scissors (which they also took with them) to cut open some zipties that were tying down some wires.

Considering all the stuff they left behind it seems like teenagers/young adults who are out to make a quick buck and take some sort of satisfaction in terrorizing their neighbors. I want to say that it was just ‘opportunity’ striking on their part considering how they used all the stuff in and around our house to get in and to get away, however, they also left signs of trying every possible window/door they could to get in so it seems they had ample time to figure that part out. I’m also guessing that it’s someone ‘local’ to our area that’s striking the neighborhood.

They did leave our front door open, so we know for sure they left that way but didn’t come in that way, as there was no forced entry. They were nice enough to close the garage door before leaving though.

I’ve also heard of people being hit a second or third time by burglars and am afraid that they might try striking our place again as they didn’t touch some of our other things or are waiting for us to replace our stolen items. We luckily have the serial numbers to most of our items so maybe we’ll see them pop up in the pawn shops and the police can get a clue that way. The neighborhood block watches around our area have also been notified and are stepping up the vigilance at this time – hopefully these people will get caught the next time they hit somewhere in the area.

With that – if you’re concerned at all about burglaries and theft, the police told us that it is very helpful when we can provide them with serial numbers and ids for stolen items in cases like these. I also urge everyone to look out for their neighbors – these people cased our place while we were away at work and none of our neighbors saw anything (as most people are out making an honest buck during these hours). I believe we were just unlucky and a tight-knit community that looks out for one another is a strong form of prevention for such crimes.

And to that end: Night Out – which used to be called “National Night Out Against Crime” — is coming up Tuesday, August 4, with block parties from coast to coast, a great way to meet your neighbors … a connected neighborhood means a safer neighborhood. Friday (7/31) is the deadline to register so that you can close your (non-arterial) street for your block party – here’s where to go – and let us know about your party if you wouldn’t mind possibly being photographed for WSB; last year we roamed around and reported as we went, and it was great to see so many neighbors out enjoying the night (e-mail the party location to editor@westseattleblog.com).

16 Replies to "West Seattle Crime Watch: 6 reports from north to south"

  • coffee July 25, 2009 (11:32 am)

    every neighborhood should have a block party, get to know our neighbors and set up some plans of action! I know who is home in my area almost all of the time. I even question anyone when I am at home and there is someone in our area that does not look like they belong in the area.

  • Lori July 25, 2009 (11:52 am)

    I just had my bike stolen on Wednesday or Thursday night; they just cut the cable. Nothing else was stolen. This happend on California/Raymond area.

  • Jame Sherwood July 25, 2009 (3:13 pm)

    What good does having a neighborhood crime watch, if these things keep happening? We’ve heard this over and over for years and still people’s houses are broken into and the police are left without be able to do anything about it, the best advice is to remove anything of value from your car and to lock your doors and windows, people that leave their windows open, don’t get any of my sympathy, you’re dumber then the criminals in that respect.

  • WSB July 25, 2009 (4:22 pm)

    We’ve reported more than a few cases over the years of police catching criminals because neighbors called in – in some cases (not that this is advised!) neighbors even chased them. Maybe this would have happened without Block Watches. But I know of some particularly intense Block Watches around here that have their own e-mail addresses and very involved Block Watch captains and even if it can’t prevent everything, I think it hits the bar for “tis better to light a single candle than curse the darkness” … TR

  • Summer July 25, 2009 (4:41 pm)

    If you see someone looking at cars in your neighborhood with a flashlight, (and had just closed your gate) that would warrant a 911 call. Honestly, I’d call 911 for just about everything short of a burnt-out streetlight. I’m sure the dispatchers “triage” calls based on level of emergency.

  • WSB July 25, 2009 (4:44 pm)

    And that’s what police stress, OVER and OVER and OVER again – if it’s suspicious and it’s happening now, call 911. If you feel you get dissed for doing so, let the precinct know and they will issue one of their periodic reminders to the 911 center that they are ASKING citizens to do so, so (they tell the 911 folks) please honor that .. TR

  • Amanda July 25, 2009 (9:26 pm)

    Yep, call the police. We had our car ransacked. Luckily (?) we left the doors unlocked, or else they probably would have broken the window. Plus, we had two kids…one black, one white come through our yard (6′ fence) and throw our garbage can at our window on Monday night. We are at 23rd between Roxbury and Cambridge.

    Unfortunately, petty crime is not high on the priority list for the police though.

  • Winston July 25, 2009 (10:08 pm)

    We are on Holden on the West side of 35th street. Our car was burglarized on Thursday evening, July 24. Please keep your eye out for these guys.

  • bridge to somewhere July 26, 2009 (7:55 am)

    Whoa, scary Amanda – how old were the kids? Also, did the Westwood home have an alarm? I am wondering if they help deter these crimes . . .

  • katemca July 26, 2009 (8:48 am)

    We live in the same block as the Westwood incident (35th Ave SW and SW Cambridge) and on Thursday night around 5:00-5:30) a guy that fits the description that JB gave came into our yard as soon as my husband had left to walk the dog and rang our front doorbell. I was on the phone in the bedroom, and by the time I could get to the door he had turned around and was leaving our (gated) yard (I only caught sight of the back of him, so I have nothing to add to the description- blonde short hair, 200-ish lbs, around 6 ft) but he was apparently in our neighborhood Thursday evening rather than Wednesday… I got the distinct impression that this guy was up to no good.

  • Burglarized July 27, 2009 (8:54 am)

    I live in the Westwood home. No. no alarm. I’m renting. However it’s not a bad idea to request it from my Landlord!

    Sounds like this white kid and black kid are the same our block watch captain saw walking around our n’hood last weekend. Sounds like the same ones who threw the garbage can. Also, what i’ve heard ‘they do’ – is ring the doorbell, if noone answers then they try each door until they get in. If you answer then they ask if you want to buy a magazine, or some similar stupid line.

    I don’t think it’s a coincidence that the minute I left w/ my dog I got burlarized and the the kid rang the doorbell when the guy left to walk his dog too. They are watching.

    Also, last night I grabbed the license plate of a white Monte Carlo and his buddy’s Jetta and reported it to the police. In the alley between Roxbury and Cambridge. I’ve seen this car driving up and down my street and alley over this weekend and haven’t noticed it before. There were 3 kids in the car. 2 black, 1 white, 20 somethings. All with baseball caps on sideways or backward. Black guy was driver and saw him talking to the girl that lives behind me. She was clearly drugged out or drunk. Seem to be drug dealers and could be them, hitting our n’hood for cash/for drugs. My neighbor’s car got broken into the same night I got burglarized, they stole binocculars and change.

  • dlarsen July 28, 2009 (2:07 pm)

    saturday night 7/29 midnight 2 kids rang our door bell then ran up the street- we watched and waited , and they came back down the street 35th sw and 114th and got in their car(burgundy small sedan ) went north, shortly after the police drove by on their same path- lock all your windows and doors people

  • 37Ray July 28, 2009 (5:54 pm)

    Dang, WSea is starting to sound more like Georgetown (where I used to live), actually not, Gtown is way worse, make all this sound pretty tame by comparison, but still

    What I had to do down there (rental) was put up 4 dummy video cameras in very obvious locations around the perimeter of the roof, and a big ugly sign on the garage door that stated “YOU ARE BEING VIDEOTAPED FOR THE POLICE”

    Oddly enough, it still did not stop the hookers and pimps from walking through my yard, but they did stop breaking into my car every weekend… fwiw

  • 37Ray July 28, 2009 (8:04 pm)

    btw I do empathize with everyone having these things happening. It sucks. I can say the only thing I saw that actually made a “real” difference for Gtown (beyond individuals arming themselves or going fort knox with home security) was when SPD finally did step up their street presence and responses rather dramatically a while back in response to just how bad it had gotten. Still there is only so much even they can do, but it has made a fairly noticable difference more recently at least (thank you for that SPD). Hopefully WSea could/would/should get some similar stepped up patrols before it gets as far…

  • MM July 29, 2009 (9:42 am)

    Get security camera systems installed. Only $499 at Costco.Install yourself. Simply mount, plug and record. I have them and I can get clear pictures and descriptions of anyone at my door, backyard or around my cars.
    You can print pictures of the intruders and post all over town. I think its time to be pro-active and squeeze these crooks out of our areas.

  • Westwood resident July 29, 2009 (6:39 pm)

    Is there a way to register online for Night Out? The registration deadline is Friday, but I don’t see a link to register online.

Sorry, comment time is over.