West Seattle coyotes: Five reader-reported sightings

The most recent West Seattle coyote reports shared by WSB readers:

*From Greg this morning: “Saw a few coyotes today at Brandon and 29th along the Longfellow Creek entrance.” [map]

*From Christopher on Saturday afternoon: “Pretty sure I just saw a coyote in the alley between Fauntleroy and 39th and Graham and Morgan.” [map]

*From Karen on Friday: “2 coyotes seen on 98th & 39th Ave SW, 5:30 pm Friday Oct. 18th, just 2 blocks off the top of Fauntleroy Park.” [map]

*From Chris, also early Friday evening: “Just saw a lone coyote poking around in the alley behind our house at 30th and Webster. It headed off down Webster.” [map]

*And on Thursday, Rachael reported that her “neighbor just saw a coyote on 10th & Elmgrove in Highland Park.” [map]

To wrap up this roundup, something new: Ron, who reads WSB daily from his residence in Mexico, sends “coyote news from elsewhere” on occasion. This week, he e-mailed a link from TV’s “Dog Whisperer,” headlined Five Ways to Keep Your Dogs Safe From Coyotes.

21 Replies to "West Seattle coyotes: Five reader-reported sightings"

  • Karen October 20, 2013 (12:00 pm)

    We lost all four chickens last night to a probable coyote. It dug under the coop, pulled out the chicken wire and killed all the chickens.
    Evidence left suggests a coyote.
    We are at 18th and Cloverdale.

  • elikapeka October 20, 2013 (1:09 pm)

    Karen, I’m so sorry.

    There was a recent story of a man in Colorado who was attacked by three coyotes while walking in the early morning hours. I don’t mention this to scare people, but to remind us that coyotes need to be afraid of humans. If you see one, throw something at it, make loud noises, scare it off. I’m not advocating hurting them, but scaring them enough to keep them wild will keep the coyotes, our pets and ourselves safer.

  • Bee October 20, 2013 (1:14 pm)

    Sorry about your chickens!!!

    Dog owners, be sure to read the link re protecting your dogs. Also, when walking small dogs be aware of what is above. I had an eagle circling me one time when walking a small dog & realized what was going on & stopped & stood over the dog & the eagle left.

  • silverfox October 20, 2013 (1:19 pm)

    I know that coyotes live in Schmitz park, but I am wondering if anyone has seen coyotes down at sea level. It seems like all the Schmitz Park reports I hear are at the top of the park, and in the 3 years I’ve lived on Alki, I have not seen, heard or met anyone that has seen them down here. I can assume they come down to sea level too, but has anyone seen any coyotes down here?

  • kp October 20, 2013 (2:21 pm)

    We saw a very emaciated looking young coyote going down the middle of 49th Avenue near Hudson/Jacobson around 9:30 am 10/20.

  • Bee October 20, 2013 (3:02 pm)

    Silverfox – yes, I have seen them down at sea level. I know they come down out of the greenbelts. Numerous times, my friend would tell me he’d see them trotting along down on Alki near Salty’s early in the morning. They are all over West Seattle. I do not think any area is immune from having them.

  • Bee October 20, 2013 (4:32 pm)

    I must have messed up as did this before & did not show. Yes, there are coyotes on Alki. They come down from the greenbelt. My friend, numerous times, would tell me about seeing coyotes down on Alki as he went to work early in the morning. They were down near Salty’s or trotting along the sidewalk south of there.

  • Ruth October 20, 2013 (5:00 pm)

    Coyote seen last night about 9:30 pm on 58th and Spokane– several blocks from Schmitz Park and not that far from Alki!

  • alki forever October 20, 2013 (5:08 pm)

    How tragic for your chickens. THose chickens gave you joy and comfort. I’m very sorry that happened and will say a prayer for them my friend. But God’s creatures should all be respected for what they are.

  • Pam October 20, 2013 (7:27 pm)

    I saw a pretty good size one on Friday on Barton and Henderson.

  • L October 20, 2013 (9:41 pm)

    I saw two on 10/12 at Marine View Dr. and SW 106th. Resolved to keep my cats indoors for the foreseeable future.

  • Mary October 20, 2013 (10:20 pm)

    Karen – so sorry to hear about your chickens! That was one determined coyote to work so hard to get at them.

  • Marilyn October 21, 2013 (7:31 am)

    We saw a very young coyote running down 47th between findley and Juneau in the middle of the afternoon on 10/20

  • J October 21, 2013 (10:08 am)

    We saw one in the parking lot of Sanislo Elementary at about 4:30 last week.

  • AE October 21, 2013 (10:18 am)

    So sad about the chickens. Any chance it was raccoons? They seem able to get into anything.
    I wouldn’t worry about an eagle attacking a dog. It just doesn’t normally happen, and certainly not when there’s a human on the other end of the leash. Coyotes are another thing. Another reason to keep cats INDOORS and protect your dogs.

  • Mike October 21, 2013 (10:46 am)

    Silverfox- I’ve seen them in the early morning (5amish) on Admiral/57th. I believe they go wherever there is food. I wouldn’t be surprised to see them behind the restuarants on Alki, looking for scraps.

  • Arbor Heights October 21, 2013 (1:31 pm)

    1:30 10/21 just watched coyote chase two huge raccoons into my neighbors backyard on 98th Ave between 37th & 39th! Keep those domesticated pets inside!!!!

  • boy October 21, 2013 (2:00 pm)

    Why do we have to live in fear for our pets? When is fish an game going to start traping these pest. And is ok to trap or dispose of these pest? I guess we have to wait till they hurt a human or a county offical.

  • Zane October 21, 2013 (5:07 pm)

    There’s a coyote wandering High Point right now. Last seen near the field next to the library and Neighborcare.

  • Josh October 23, 2013 (7:51 am)

    Spotted a coyote on 48th at Graham on Sunday, Oct 20, about 2pm. We were both equally surprised. Yelled and stomped after him and he bolted. Strange that the neighbor dogs, who I’m sure knew he was around, did not make a peep.

  • WSide October 23, 2013 (11:27 am)

    Saw a large healthy looking male crossing 36th between Graham and Raymond.

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