Carnival, donation drive at Arbor Heights Elementary

Late lunch? Early dinner? Concession booths are part of what awaits you at the Arbor Heights Elementary carnival, on till 6 pm; our photo’s courtesy of a parent volunteer. The community is invited; lots of bouncy rides, too, with wristbands on sale. Even if you’re not going for rides, games, and food, remember they’re collecting items for Northwest Center – gently used household items and clothing, in particular.

ADDED: WSB co-publisher Patrick Sand stopped by for a few more photos:

The sun came out to match that tropical-themed bouncy slide! And to make dunk-tank duty a little less chilly – that’s kindergarten teacher David Wilkie in the rainbow wig:

The donation drive filled two trucks, we’re told.

Just two more weeks of school for AH and other Seattle Public Schools campuses. Not that anyone’s counting …

1 Reply to "Carnival, donation drive at Arbor Heights Elementary"

  • happy June 1, 2013 (9:21 pm)

    Nice action pic, Patrick– that ball is about to his the target and L. is going to dunk Mr. Wilkie!
    Hope she got him. = )

    Mr. Wilkie, thanks for being such a great community member and all-around wonderful person (not to forget a good sport!).

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