West Seattleites’ historic weddings: Final updates

(Photo by Bettina Hansen/The Seattle Times, republished with permission)
A day of history-making marrying has just wrapped up in our state. Sunday evening brought the highest-profile wedding of the day: West Seattleites Pete-e Petersen and Jane Abbott Lighty wed onstage at Benaroya Hall downtown, with another West Seattleite, Anne Levinson, officiating. (Another couple wed onstage too – see a wider view via this Facebook photo.) Levinson was also there as Jane and Pete-e went through the licensing process early Thursday, obtaining King County’s first-ever same-sex marriage license (WSB coverage here).

Hours earlier, we reported on two other West Seattle couples’ Sunday morning weddings – Julie Fein and Cynthia Wallace marrying at the King County Courthouse in the wee hours (coverage here), and then Keith Bacon and Corianton Hale celebrating their wedding during the marriage marathon at Seattle City Hall (coverage here). Since then, we’ve heard from another local couple:

Jessica Lynn and Joyce Allen of West Seattle were married by Judge Mary Yu this morning at 5:30 am (hours after Judge Yu officiated for Cynthia and Julie). Jessica and Joyce also shared this photo:

Jessica explains, “We’ve been together 20 years and had a traditional ‘wedding’/commitment ceremony in 1994, so we aren’t planning a big fancy wedding now, but we were thrilled to officially and legally marry on this historic day. We’ll have a big party with cake in July on the anniversary of the 1994 ceremony! The support of the people of Washington State, Seattle, and West Seattle has been overwhelming to experience, and we thank everyone who helped make this day possible.”

And we have a followup from another longtime couple, now married; Amy and Jennifer Hallmon (included in our Thursday followup on the first day of licensing):

Amy reports:

We had a great time! We got in early for our 12:30 time slot, and the folks at City Hall were very welcoming and accomodating of our big crew (5 kids). My wonderful sister Carrie Goodnight (also a West Seattle resident) came as our witness and also as a child wrangler and gear hauler. We had a really touching, brief ceremony. I especially liked the part where the judge said, “by the power vested in me by the state of Washington.” It has been a long time coming! The nice people managing the event brought two cupcakes from the reception area for our 2 and 3-year-old to eat from the stroller during the ceremony. Then we all got cupcakes (the 8 and 11-year-olds were thrilled to go back for seconds. And thirds). The announcement of our family as we left the building was exciting, and then we processed down the grand staircase at the pace of a 2-year-old on wet steps. Lots of time to hear the congratulations of the crowd, as well as to be showered by flower petals, bubbles, and rice. It sure was nice of all those people to come share our moment. We came home to a party for friends and family. It was a really nice day, and the kids are all in bed now so we can enjoy the evening.

… Fifteen years ago I really didn’t think we’d have legal marriage in our lifetimes, even at the state level. Not only have we achieved that milestone as a family, but we have felt the warmth of what seems like the entire city’s embrace as we celebrated. We will absolutely cherish the memories of this week.

There was a big Sunday night party at West Seattle’s OutWest Bar – with partiers including newlyweds Marley Blonsky and Whitney Young (who were among the first two dozen couples to get licenses Thursday morning) – they tweeted photos while celebrating:

Also from our Thursday licensing coverage, and tweeting Sunday night, Shannon and Jason Mullett-Bowlsby, who got married at City Hall:

Congratulations again to everyone involved in history – and to those “making it legal” in the days, weeks, months, years ahead. Speaking of which: For future engaged/newlywed couples, of any gender/s, WSB is always happy to publish engagement/wedding announcements free – just e-mail the info and a photo to editor@westseattleblog.com.

SIDE NOTE: Wondering how this unfolded outside Seattle? Here are Sunday stories from:
*Snohomish County
*Kitsap County
*Whatcom County

10 Replies to "West Seattleites' historic weddings: Final updates"

  • RichWSeattle December 10, 2012 (7:11 am)

    I was following this yesterday and it’s great to have a recap first thing this morning. So heartwarming. Congratulations to all.

  • krista December 10, 2012 (7:13 am)

    So full of joy seeing so many people finally be able to share in the rite of marriage and equality! Blessings to all who have found love and can now have it legally recognized! LOVE WINS!

  • Kris December 10, 2012 (10:19 am)

    I was at the SMC concert and the wedding ceremony last night. It was so uplifting to be at Jane and Pete-e’s long awaited marriage. What a glorious historcal time. Thanks to all who voted and made this happen. And, many thanks to WSblog for the wonderful coverage of these celebratory events !!

  • Brander Roullett December 10, 2012 (10:53 am)

    We totally watched the wedding of Amy and Jennifer Hallmon on the webcam. I remember their pack of kids. Congrats!

  • planenut December 10, 2012 (11:30 am)

    Congratlations to all but especially to Pete-e and Jane. Does Pete-e look like a war hero? She is. A Korean war MASH unit and med-evac nurse. Both of them as nurses have devoted their lives to taking care of people. Now they have the same rights as of those they cared for all those years.
    The deserve the best of happiness.

  • LivesInWS December 10, 2012 (1:05 pm)

    Congratulations to all the happy couples! May you long live in happiness and love.

  • Vanessa December 10, 2012 (4:02 pm)

    Thank you WSB,for some of the best coverage and Seattle, and WASHINGTON for making thousands of people’s dreams come true. I know for some, who don’t have these issue’s close to their hearts as others, may be getting tired of seeing or hearing about it all in the news…but this is a big deal.

  • Use Common Sense December 10, 2012 (5:36 pm)

    Congratulations to all of the newlyweds and best wishes and happiness.

  • LeahP December 11, 2012 (4:27 pm)

    congrats Jessica & Joyce!

  • Rves December 11, 2012 (5:29 pm)

    Glenn and Bob–I only wish you both could have seen this come to pass for you… A long time couple, very much in love in a world before their dream had been realized. You both were there for us after our own dad passed… Helping our mom, always enduring we were cared for emotionally, financially. “All in good time,” you both used to say, hoping for a time your rights as a couple would be honored. You passed peacefully of old age, within months if one another, but always in our heart switch gratitude for all you did for our family. Glenn and Bob… These momentous days are dedicated to your memory… A grateful friend….

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