West Seattle ‘king tides’: Overnight low-tide sights

If you haven’t made it out to see the mega-low late-night tides this week – you have a few more chances. Last night was the lowest low tide this time around, -3.6 feet at 10:41 pm, and we’ve received a few photos – above and below, from Lisa Stencel:

And this one from Kalani:

Tonight’s low tide is -3.4 at about 11:30 pm, and both mornings this weekend have the highest high tides of the cycle too – 13 feet at 6:50 am Saturday and 7:34 am Sunday. (Here’s the chart.) And if you’d like to explore the nighttime tidepools with an expert – Lance reminded us overnight that Seattle Parks has a naturalist-led event 10 pm-midnight across from Me Kwa Mooks:

Exploring the fascinating world of intertidal life by flashlight! Please wear very warm clothing and waterproof footwear (rain slickers too). Please bring a flashlight if you have one or borrow one from us. All ages welcome as long as you can walk on slippery seaweed and stay up late into the night. All children must be accompanied by an adult. Please pre-register https://class.seattle.gov/parks/Activities/ActivitiesAdvSearch.asp and then on the night of the 15th, meet at Me Kwa Mooks beach, across from Me-Kwa-Mooks Park (4503 Beach Dr. SW)

3 Replies to "West Seattle 'king tides': Overnight low-tide sights"

  • Visitor December 14, 2012 (8:40 am)

    To register for the December 15th naturalist led intertidal exploration you can also call (206)386-4237.

  • Faith4 December 14, 2012 (11:13 am)

    These pictures are wonderful. What is the name of the orange one in the first picture that is oddly shaped like a lobster? Thanks.

  • westcoastdeb December 14, 2012 (12:42 pm)

    It is a seapen. When under water, they stand vertical, but the lack of water around this one to make it ‘float’ has left it flat.


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