day : 09/12/2012 9 results

West Seattle schools: Chief Sealth Academy of Business auction

December 9, 2012 10:34 pm
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School auctions happen often – a necessity these days, to help pay for needs large and small that aren’t handled by regular budgets. Most of the time they are organized by groups such as PTSAs – but the most recent school auction in West Seattle was in large part a teacher and student production. Thursday night in the Chief Sealth International High School Galleria, the Sealth Academy of Business hosted a fundraising auction, led by Sealth teacher DeAira Handugan. We first heard about it earlier this fall from student Tia Collins:

She had explained via e-mail, “The Academy is a series of specialized classes that aim to teach students about real-world circumstances such as finances and marketing. These classes also offer the aid of scholarships, internships, and free college classes to the students who wish to further their education, and get experience outside of the classroom.” Business is the umbrella for two Academies at Sealth – Finance and Hospitality/Tourism. Students sold tickets and served a dinner menu featuring Chicken Milano and Caesar Salad – prepared on campus. The centerpieces were student-created:

The students also had to round up donations for the silent auction – with proceeds going toward the Academy of Business class trip to New York. In addition to a variety of auction items, they had a dessert auction too:

The Academies at Chief Sealth largely involve classes taken in junior/senior years, along with internships, to provide skills to help with career pathways and other goals. This year’s courses are listed in the school catalog online.

West Seattle wildlife: Three weekend sightings

Love is not only in the air – it’s in the water. Just received that photo from Seaview resident and diver/underwater photographer Jim Bodoia, who says, “You’ve had some great photos of local nature and I couldn’t resist these two newlyweds that were hanging out about 50 feet under where the Christmas Ships sailed near the Alki Statue of Liberty. They are Saddleback Gunnels (Pholis Ornata) all paired up and nested for the holidays.”

This reminds us of two other wildlife sightings mentioned to us – no photos yet, but you should know so you can keep an eye out in case they come back around:

First – Marcia e-mailed this morning to report a snowy-owl sighting:

Big surprise this morning to look out the window and see a Snowy Owl in a fir tree nearby! It’s in the stand of tall firs in the middle of the small “greenbelt” between Juneau/Raymond and 36th/37th. Not sure how long it has been since one has been spotted in West Seattle. The crows are working hard to displace it, but it’s standing its ground.

She tried to photograph it but it just didn’t work out; here’s a community-contributed snowy-owl photo published here a year ago.

And WSB Forums member Mtrancourt reports a brown pelican off Alki Point, confirming it via e-mail: “… I thought it was an eagle at first, the seagulls were chasing it like an eagle. We live on the beach at Alki and it flew out a ways and then came in about 100 yards from the house before going around the corner toward (downtown).”

The WSBeat: Motor-home investigation; startling sight; more

By Megan Sheppard
On the WSBeat, for West Seattle Blog

As always, the WSBeat summaries are from reports on cases handled recently by Southwest Precinct officers, incidents that (usually) have not already appeared here in breaking-news coverage or West Seattle Crime Watch reports, but that might at least answer the question “what WERE all those police doing on my block?”:

*The Major Crimes Task Force has taken over the investigation of a motor home parked in front of a residence in the 8800 block of 20th SW. The rig’s owner is currently in jail on a felony warrant for possession of a stolen vehicle, while some of the people staying in it are associated with a stolen Oregon car found nearby. Inside the motor home was a variety of unopened mail, debit cards, IDs and driver’s licenses which were likely stolen. The stolen car contained numerous blank credit cards and software associated with customizing them. The man seen driving the stolen vehicle was booked into King County Jail for investigation of possession of stolen property.

*Friday evening of last week, in the 9600 block of 41st SW, a woman heard an insistent “tap tap tap” coming from a door that leads to an outdoor deck. She opened it, and what to her wondering eyes should appear but an unclothed white male in his 20s (but no tiny reindeer). Startled, she shut the door and called 911. (The man made no effort to enter the residence.) Though the door had been open for only a moment, the 84-year-old assured officers that she would be able to recognize the suspect if she saw him again.

Five more summaries ahead:Read More

West Seattle ferry update: 2-boat schedule for Fauntleroy this week

Another change for Washington State Ferries‘ Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth schedule this week – they had warned of a reduced-capacity third boat on the route; now, because three vessels need repairs, WSF says, there will be only an intermittent, tiny third boat:

Fauntleroy/Vashon/Southworth: This route will be on a two-boat schedule with the 124 car Issaquah and the 87-car Tillikum. This service will be supplemented with unscheduled sailings by the 34-car Hiyu.

There are changes to Seattle-Bremerton, too; read about those here.

West Seattle weekend scenes: Hometown Holidays; ‘Gifted’ at Feedback

Even before Donna Ryan (above) opened the doors of her City Mouse Studio for West Seattle Junction Hometown Holidays Santa photos this morning, some excited families were waiting, we’re told. The line wasn’t too long when we went by before noon – some very patient little ones peeked through the festively decorated window:

Today is the first of two Sundays that Donna’s taking Santa photos – with proceeds benefiting WestSide Baby, continuing till 3 pm. You can also stop by the Hometown Holidays Headquarters kitty-corner from there, at California/Alaska by KeyBank.

About a mile south on California, the “Gifted” bazaar has begun at Feedback Lounge (WSB sponsor):

You might not need a fan now – but look ahead to summer, and Lisa Jones‘ playing-card fans might come in handy. Her business card says she’s “putting the FUN into FUNction.” Among the other art/craft creators there, microphotographer extraordinaire Machel Spence, RobRoy Chalmers, and Christin Schaefer with photos including the one that reminds us of the “grumpy cat” meme:

“Gifted” at Feedback (6451 California SW) continues till 5 pm.

Live at City Hall: Wedding marathon, including West Seattleites

FIRST REPORT, 9:49 AM: At or around 10 am (and afterward till about 5 pm), if you click “play” in the video box above, you should see streaming video from Seattle City Hall, which is about to host more than 100 of our state’s first same-sex weddings. It’s right across the street from the King County Courthouse, where couples would have had to have obtained their marriage licenses on Thursday (WSB coverage here) to be eligible to participate. Volunteer judges will officiate at five “stations” decorated by local artists. The first 10 weddings are open to the media; among the couples are Corianton Hale and Keith Bacon of West Seattle, who checked in a few minutes ago:

We’ll be reporting on their ceremony. Any other West Seattleites marrying here today – let us know! ( The city is also providing its own coverage – as did the county during the first licensings – online, including social media; it’s all being aggregated and updated at

10:20 AM: In a ceremony by Kent Municipal Court Judge Karli Kristine Jorgensen, concluding “I now pronounce you husband and husband,” Keith and Corianton were married minutes ago (and then mobbed by media). Here’s the iPhone photo we tweeted:

We have video of the ceremony and other scenes from this half-hour of history, to add when we’re back at HQ.

12:43 PM UPDATE: Just added the entire wedding clip – about five minutes. Event photos next. (added) The other angle during the wedding – the media half-circle they faced (with another half-circle alongside and above where our photographer was while taking this):

(Photo by Nick Adams for WSB)
A chat with the mayor:

(This and next 2 photos by Patrick Sand)
Three City Councilmembers there to congratulate newlyweds, too – from left, Council President Sally Clark, Councilmember Tim Burgess, and Councilmember Richard Conlin:

Outside the west side of City Hall – the receiving line kept growing:

The city has switched what was to be its “booth cam” inside to a live feed from the receiving line – see it here.

West Seattle Sunday: Hometown Holidays Sunday #2, gingerbread houses, Hanukkah party, Admiral Sings Christmas…

December 9, 2012 9:32 am
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 |   West Seattle news

Holiday happenings abound again today! Highlights from the WSB West Seattle Holiday Guide and regular Event Calendar:

SANTA PHOTOS AT HOLY ROSARY: 9:30-11 am in the school hall during Coffee & Donuts time (42nd and Genesee) – then visit the Tree Lot (41st and Dakota)- more details there.

PATHFINDER K-8’S FAMOUS HANDMADE WREATHS: On sale 9:30 am-2 pm at the West Seattle Farmers’ Market.

SPEAKING OF THE FARMERS’ MARKET … it’s open as always, 10 am-2 pm at 44th/Alaska.

WSHS CHEERLEADERS BENEFIT: The West Seattle High School cheer squad is selling hot cocoa 10 am-8 pm at Son In Law Tree Farm (Charlestown/California), and part of the weekend’s tree-sales proceeds will benefit them too. More details here.

VILLAGE GREEN PERENNIAL NURSERY HOLIDAY SALE: 10-3:30 at Village Green Perennial Nursery (WSB sponsor) (10223 26th SW): Find gifts for gardeners in your life!

PROFESSIONAL SANTA PHOTO DURING ‘HOMETOWN HOLIDAYS SUNDAY’: 11 am-3 pm, Santa will be here to listen to your children’s Christmas requests at City Mouse Studio and Store (4218 SW Alaska). 100% of your donation of $15 or more goes to West Seattle charities, and today there’s professional Santa photos and printing.

GRETCHEN’S GRAINS DEMO: West Seattleite Gretchen will show how to make yummy recipes with her Gretchen’s Grains products 11 am-3 pm at PCC Natural Markets-West Seattle (WSB sponsor; California/Stevens).

FEEDBACK LOUNGE HOLIDAY BAZAAR: Noon-5 pm, the Feedback Lounge (WSB sponsor) presents “Gifted,” the 4th annual holiday bazaar (more info here)

NEWLYWED AND ENGAGED COUPLES’ PHOTO SHOOT: Celebrate marriage equality with a professional photo at Marination ma kai (WSB sponsor) at Seacrest – noon-3 pm, bring donation for the West Seattle Food bank. Full details here.

COMMUNITY MOVIE SHOWING:Where God Left His Shoes“: When Frank, Angela, and their two children are evicted from their New York City apartment, they have no choice but to move into a homeless shelter. After a few difficult months, good news comes their way on Christmas Eve: a nearby housing project has an apartment available immediately–however, Frank needs a job on the books in order to qualify. While the rest of the city prepares for Christmas, Frank and his ten-year-old stepson, Justin, roam the cold streets of New York trying to find a job by day’s end … Alki United Church of Christ, 6115 SW Hinds. Hot lunch served 11:45 am. Movie starts 12:15 pm. Discussion about issues of family homelessness immediately following, led by Alida Rothgeb, professional caseworker for families in need. Child care provided.

CHEESE TASTING AT PCC WEST SEATTLE: 1-5 pm – details here – free tasting at PCC Natural Markets (California/Stevens; WSB sponsor).

‘SANTA’S FIRST MAGICAL RIDE: THE MUSICAL’: 2 pm matinee of brand-new locally written/produced Christmas musical (which is sponsoring WSB to help get the word out), Youngstown Cultural Arts Center (4408 Delridge Way SW), 2 pm matinee and evening performance at 7 pm; tickets available online.

CHRISTMAS TEA AND SILENT AUCTION: 2-5 pm at St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church, 3050 California SW. Please come to an elegant and festive afternoon tea with a silent auction. Tickets are $15 per person, ($10 under 10), for reservations, call Kate McCormick @ 206-932-2973, or email:

ALL-AGES HANUKKAH PARTY: 3-5:30 pm. Join the West Seattle Torah Learning Center for its annual Hanukkah Happening. Hang with friends new and old, bedazzle, decorate… and enjoy some latkes and great food. High Point Community Center, 6920 34th SW. Please RSVP if you see this in time: or 732.503.0795. For more info, see Facebook event page here.

‘MIRACLE ON 34TH STREET: THE RADIO PLAY’: Twelfth Night Productions‘ holiday show continues with its first 3 pm matinee at Kenyon Hall (7904 35th SW); tickets available online. A Children’s Hospital toy drive is being held during the show’s run.

ADMIRAL SINGS CHRISTMAS! All of West Seattle – and beyond! – invited to “Admiral Sings Christmas,” at 4 and 7 pm. (The entire family’s welcome, and there’s child care for babies.) “A Festive Community Sing-Along of all of your Favorite Christmas Songs and Carols! Featuring the fine music master: Keith Terhune & Jazz Legend: Overton Berry & the Admiral Choir … Come early for refreshments 30 min. before each performance.” Free admission; free-will contribution and non-perishable food donations encouraged. At Admiral Church (California and Hill)

SEATTLE MARINERS WOMEN’S CLUB PARTY: Seattle Mariners Women’s Club hosts their holiday banquet and party at The Sanctuary (2656 42nd SW), 4 pm, including dinner, raffles, auction, and Mariner-style traditional carols led by Rick Rizzs. More info (including how to purchase tickets) here.

SEE GINGERBREAD HISTORY IN THE MAKING: “Extreme Makeover Gingerbread Challenge” – the teams are all lined up but public viewing of gingerbread-homebuilding is invited starting at 6 pm in the WSCC Activity Center (4400 42nd Ave SW)… Admission free but donations accepted for this year’s fundraiser to benefit a village in Guatemala.

KATE ENDLE AT ALKI ARTS: At Alki Arts, 6-9 pm: Kate Endle Collage Holiday Art Show with live music by Chris Ballew: Collage artist Kate Endle & her husband singer/songwriter Chris Ballew live in West Seattle & Vashon, where they collaborate on music and books for little children. Kate’s illustration and collage work can be found in stores and galleries all over the world. This event is a great opportunity for locals to pick up some gifts (magnets, children’s books, Caspar Babypants albums, prints, holiday notecards, calendars and more) as well as view & purchase Kate’s original art. Chris is best known as the lead singer for the band Presidents of the United States of America and more recently as children’s musician Caspar Babypants. We will be selling Caspar cds, but we want to remind people that this is not a Caspar Babypants event – only Chris Ballew instrumental music. (So please leave the kiddos at home and enjoy a glass of wine & a night out for the grownups!)

‘MOSTLY MESSIAH’ CONCERT: At 7 pm, the South Seattle Community College Community Choir will present “Mostly Messiah,” a choral concert featuring excerpts from Handel’s Messiah, seasonal numbers and a holiday sing-along. The concert will be held at SSCC’s Olympic Hall in Room 120. This concert is free and open to the public. For additional information, contact

West Seattle holidays: Santa at Holy Rosary this morning

December 9, 2012 8:01 am
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 |   Holidays | West Seattle news

The Holy Rosary School Tree Lot (WSB sponsor) has decked Walking On Logs at the end of the bridge, and has an invitation for you this morning – combine tree shopping with a Santa photo:

Santa will visit Holy Rosary’s “Coffee & Donuts” in the school hall this morning from 9:30 am until 12:00 noon. Children of all ages are welcome to come take a picture with Santa inside the school hall. Please bring your own camera and your Christmas wishes! Then, step outside to carefully choose your Christmas tree or lovely wreath to take home & decorate, completing the jolly outing!

The school is on 42nd SW, just north of Genesee; the tree lot is on its north side, at 41st and Dakota, and donates 15 percent of its proceeds to local nonprofits – the West Seattle Helpline, West Seattle Food Bank, and the Salvation Army’s Hickman House transitional shelter for domestic-violence survivors and their children.

Marriage equality: West Seattleites among the first to wed

(Photo by Nick Adams for WSB)
3:25 AM: Now that three days have elapsed since licenses were issued, the first same-sex couples to get them are eligible to marry – and right after midnight at the King County Courthouse, some couples became the first to say “I do.” WSB contributing photojournalist Nick Adams was there as the weddings began, and reports that the earlybirds included West Seattleites Julie Fein and Cynthia Wallace (above), who have been together more than a quarter-century. Later this morning, City Hall will open for pre-booked weddings, with the first 10 open to media coverage (including at least one West Seattle couple); the city itself plans to stream via this link. More coverage here later.

ADDED 8:14 AM: The newlyweds tell WSB of another reason their wedding, performed by Judge Mary Yu, was special – they shared two more photos that explain:

Cynthia explains, “Judge Yu presided over the adoptions of our sons four years ago. Now tonight she pronounced us married! With our sons in attendance. Such a joy!”

With Cynthia and Julie for their wedding were their sons Ari and Rafael‘s godfather Jason Plourde and their friend Shayna.