Love is not only in the air – it’s in the water. Just received that photo from Seaview resident and diver/underwater photographer Jim Bodoia, who says, “You’ve had some great photos of local nature and I couldn’t resist these two newlyweds that were hanging out about 50 feet under where the Christmas Ships sailed near the Alki Statue of Liberty. They are Saddleback Gunnels (Pholis Ornata) all paired up and nested for the holidays.”
This reminds us of two other wildlife sightings mentioned to us – no photos yet, but you should know so you can keep an eye out in case they come back around:
First – Marcia e-mailed this morning to report a snowy-owl sighting:
Big surprise this morning to look out the window and see a Snowy Owl in a fir tree nearby! It’s in the stand of tall firs in the middle of the small “greenbelt” between Juneau/Raymond and 36th/37th. Not sure how long it has been since one has been spotted in West Seattle. The crows are working hard to displace it, but it’s standing its ground.
She tried to photograph it but it just didn’t work out; here’s a community-contributed snowy-owl photo published here a year ago.
And WSB Forums member Mtrancourt reports a brown pelican off Alki Point, confirming it via e-mail: “… I thought it was an eagle at first, the seagulls were chasing it like an eagle. We live on the beach at Alki and it flew out a ways and then came in about 100 yards from the house before going around the corner toward (downtown).”