West Seattle weekend scene: Water and Spirit Ride

Actually “West Seattle and vicinity” scene – the annual 40-mile Water and Spirit Bike Ride starts and finishes in West Seattle, but riders ferry over to Kitsap County along the way, and take the Southworth-to-Fauntleroy ferry back. Krista Livingston shared the photo of one group on Saturday’s ride; she says, “It turned out to be a wonderful day for the 4th Annual Water and Spirit Ride! We had a great showing, beautiful views and a lot of fun. Thank you to all of the volunteers and riders that made this a fantastic event.” It raised money for Scholastic Journey and Family Promise of Seattle (whose next major fundraiser is the Justin Roberts concert on Friday!).

1 Reply to "West Seattle weekend scene: Water and Spirit Ride"

  • Brian August 14, 2011 (8:10 am)

    Yes. Family Promise of Seattle continues to meet the needs of homeless children and their families. Currently, there are 7 kids and 4 adults given 24/7 food and shelter and also social services which are first and foremost focused on identifying housing. PLEASE DONATE! And, if you are interested in lending a helping hand, call 206-937-2703 or check out http://www.familypromiseofseattle.org. It is a great organization.

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