West Seattle businesses: ZippyDogs celebrates new location

(Photos by Ellen Cedergreen)
If you’re in the promotional-items business – just figures you’re going to put pizzazz into the otherwise semi-simple act of moving your location. And so tonight, the proprietors of ZippyDogsElise “Top Dog” Lindborg and Kelli “Chili Dog” Henderson – threw a party to celebrate the ribbon-cutting outside their new “world headquarters” in the newly built 6031 California SW building north of Morgan Junction. They’re not a new business – 10 years (“that’s 70 in dog years,” their website points out) – but now they’ve got fresh digs, and they hosted friends/clients/community members tonight:

ZippyDogs makes a point of offering eco-friendly options – and its proprietors show their environmental interest on the road too:

That’s their ZENN electric car (zero emission, no noise). (P.S. – Practically across the street, another business celebrates its own new location this weekend – Solar Epiphany plans an open house at its new solar showroom, 6016 California SW, 10 am-4 pm Saturday.)

11 Replies to "West Seattle businesses: ZippyDogs celebrates new location"

  • Jane October 8, 2010 (10:07 am)

    Welcome to West Seattle. Love your enthusiasm and the pink room decor.

  • sue in gatewood October 8, 2010 (11:19 am)

    Welcome to the neighborhood!

  • krys October 8, 2010 (11:55 am)

    Congratulations Zippydogs on your new World headquarters! I have done business with you in the past and have always been pleased with your fantastic customer service. You are the best.

  • laurel October 8, 2010 (11:56 am)

    persistance!! you two are amazing!! congratulations..SKOL

  • M3 Bodyworks October 8, 2010 (1:58 pm)

    Hey Kelli and Elise – So much fun at your open house and love the World Headquarters. So when are those friday night roof neighborhood drop ins? ;-0

    Love you guys and wish you the best in your new location!

    These girls rock on promotional products… we have used them in the past and plan to use them in the future!

  • monroe1200 October 8, 2010 (3:26 pm)

    Hey Zippy Dogs! Glad to see you both on here, congratulations!

    Jane and Sue in Gatewood-They are not new to West Seattle. They have been our neighbors for years!

  • Hoogalie October 8, 2010 (4:17 pm)

    WOOF! Congratulations!!!! We will stop by next time we’re in WS. You 2 deserve the best of everything! You’ve worked hard for it!

  • roger:that October 9, 2010 (2:43 am)

    WHatEver….another weird business. Is it for horses or hot dogs….I deon’t get it.

  • Really? October 10, 2010 (7:37 pm)

    I am surprised how many of these little companies stay in business? Loans? Humble lifestyle?

  • ZippyDogs October 11, 2010 (3:47 pm)

    We have stayed in business for 10 years because we offer spectacular customer service, listen to our customers and find great deals. We have a very loyal customer base who like to support local small business. Our business was built from the ground up and financed with our credit card (since big banks make it extremely difficult to get a loan). We currently operate debt free (expect for the cool building we just bought) and are proud of how we conduct our business. We work very hard, strategically plan and always look for new opportunities. Remember to support local small businesses! WOOF!

  • Karl October 11, 2010 (3:56 pm)

    Onward to another 10 years of helping folks with promotional business products. Very happy for your sucess in these economic times!

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