Election 2010: Washington Bus in West Seattle to get out the vote

(Photos by Evan Miglorie)
Get any get-out-the-vote doorbellers at your house/apartment today? Here’s one group that set out from Delridge Community Center this morning – volunteers from the Washington Bus, which is trying to encourage younger voters to participate more in the political process. They rallied before hitting the streets:

Stacy and Tunny are the leaders of this year’s Washington Bus fellows – a political-organizing summer camp of sorts (explained here):

After several hours of GOTV’ing throughout the 34th Legislative District – including White Center and Burien – the group planned an afterparty at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center. Meantime – voted yet? Don’t let your ballot just sit there on top of the TV console (or kitchen table, or wherever) till it’s late. 80 percent of ballots aren’t in as of last night, says King County! If you need more voting info – it’s all linked here.

7 Replies to "Election 2010: Washington Bus in West Seattle to get out the vote"

  • Gary August 15, 2010 (2:04 am)

    Get out the vote – in other words, vote for a progressive liberal. Kids that have been indoctinated want to tell me who to vote for. when you see these guys just say no thanks.

  • Al August 15, 2010 (8:52 am)

    Seriously Gary, isn’t there a tea party message board you’d rather be spending your time at? Your shtick is getting really tired.

  • Yardvark August 15, 2010 (8:57 am)

    I got indoctrinated the other day. It was excellent. I feel so relaxed, informed, and unafraid.

  • 4thGenWestSide August 15, 2010 (9:56 am)

    Hey Gary,

    Sounds like West Seattle is the last place you should be living. Wouldn’t you be happier with like minded people in a more conservative environment?

  • RJB August 15, 2010 (10:05 am)

    Glad the kids are involved somehow….Gary, you sound very unhappy. West Seattle is a happy, open, welcoming all kinds….including you.

  • HellaBus August 15, 2010 (3:47 pm)

    The fellows that ran the GOTV are strictly non-partisan. We only reminded people to get their ballots in on time. Yeah…

  • Silly Goose August 17, 2010 (11:30 am)

    Now that we know who the stickers belong to that are plastered all over public and private property can we fine them?

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