So…about those new lines

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    What do you think? How do they affect you?



    Lines of? what? where?






    I thought, at first glance, the lines were those pesky crow’s feet and wrinkles, but I think they are the lines on the maps for the new school boundaries.



    Especially since that’s the category this post is filed in.

    Interesting … if we had an elementary school child, s/he would be assigned to Arbor Heights. Which is about 3 miles away, while Gatewood Elementary is less than a mile from here.



    Link please?



    see upper right hand corner, under big stories

    “New school-area boundaries”




    Turns out our reference school doesn’t change, but only by one block.




    We are smack down in the middle of Schmitz & Alki . 1.3 miles to either school. Personally, I perfer Schmitz but am not unsatisfied with Alki. Although I am very interesetd on reveiws of each school from current parents. I feel for those that are driving 2 & 3 times as far to go to schools farther away.



    Here is the discussion on the home page with the West Seattle lines:



    I’m mystified by the high school assignments. I’m hoping by the time my daughter reaches 9th grade that this will be resolved: how can our reference middle school be Denny and then WSHS is our high school?!?!?! CSHS is about a 4 minute drive while it takes 15 to get to WSHS. I would hope someone at the distric will fix this little snafu.



    This is the link so you can enter your address and see what your assigned school is.



    Beachdrivegirl- I think the best thing to do is to visit the schools you are interested in for your child(ren) and take it all in, imagine your child in each setting. Don’t just go to the open houses but stroll past during recess and get a good feel for each school, talk to parents if you see them at pick up, drop-off or at the local parks. My daughter started at Lafayette and is now at Pathfinder. It is an excellent school with wonderful staff, happy and engaged children and a wonderful feeling of community. She is thriving there and we couldn’t be happier.

    Good luck to you and your family in making this tough decision.



    I think they had to make the attendance area for Schmitz Park smaller because there are so many kids in the area – the school fills up fast. Last year we had Schmitz Park as our first choice; primarily because it was a decent school and the closest to our house (we are 6 houses south of Alaska which was the boundary for their walk zone last year). We were assigned to Alki and put on the waitlist for Schmitz Park – as this was our first child heading to school we were shocked by the assignment. We ended up going to a couple of the Summer Saturday play dates for families with incoming kindergartners and got to know some of the families before school started. When we got the call that we could get into Schmitz Park off the waitlist, we turned it down and decided to stay with Alki. We are very happy with our decision. Our child had a great year, a fabulous teacher, we have a wonderful sense of community at our school and this year we got an awesome new principal who has a real focus on reading and writing. There are many parents that volunteer and an active PTA.

    It was a great fit for us and I was really worried that the new student assignment plan would put my second child into a different school next year – I just could not see how they could include my house with Alki. But by a stroke a pure luck we have Alki as our neighborhood school. But seeing as we were #1 on the waitlist for Schmitz Park just below Alaska Street I have to think they drew the boundary around the school right about where they felt it would be full.



    I am also shocked at the lack of alignment between Denny and Sealth. I don’t get it – with all the hoopla about the co-located campuses – now half the kids won’t even stay on there? Need to find out more about the rationale, but I probably still won’t agree!



    At Sealth open house last night, Principal Boyd touched on the new boundaries. He emphasized that Sealth voices be heard and encouraged use of the online comment feature. I got the impression that he was being polite and politically correct, but that the Denny/Sealth alignment is exactly the issue parents should address there.

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