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May 27, 2012 at 9:20 pm #603400
SmittyParticipantYou just don’t hear much about it in the media lately, which is strange because it was all over the news for so long.
When does that tea bagger get what’s coming to him?
Listen up America!
May 27, 2012 at 9:26 pm #759243
JanSParticipantJune 5, Smitty..June 5…can’t come soon enough…
May 27, 2012 at 9:32 pm #759244
dobroParticipantYou don’t hear about it because you listen to RW news. They’re shoving it down the memory hole in case he loses. If he wins, you’ll hear about it daily as justification for the radical Repub/ALEC criminals.
May 27, 2012 at 9:52 pm #759245
SmittyParticipantActually, I watch Maddow nightly (as I am sure you do as well). Sometimes I catch the tale end of Schultzie – who was all over this story for quite some time. Is he heading to Madison for the recall?
And don’t you worry about the justification part, dobro. The little attention that this is still getting appears to be setting up the “we were outspent” excuse (should that tea bagger win).
Not sure if they count the free MSNBC coverage as an in-kind contribution or not.
May 27, 2012 at 10:03 pm #759246
JanSParticipantso, Smitty…tell us how you really feel about Scott Walker…
and…while you’re at it, how do you really feel about Rachel?
May 27, 2012 at 10:22 pm #759247
SmittyParticipantWalker? Anyone that the unions are against, I am for. Nuff for me.
Rachel? I like and respect her. She is obviously smart – but that doesn’t make her correct.
I wish she would stay above the fray more often than she does – she doesn’t need to resort to the type of tactics that Shultzie, Mathews and Maher do. She is smarter than that. Otherwise, no issues – I watch her almost every night while making dinner for the family.
May 27, 2012 at 10:23 pm #759248
kootchmanMemberRU kidding, Ed has made his living on Scott Walker and Romney’s dog. Labor has paid BIG attention. In fact, they are bummed that they had to pour so many tens of millions into the effort. Sorta running em’ out of powder for the big show. They for sure are getting outspent. The TEA Party decided to throw a ton at em.
Now here’s the great part. As required, the state has erased the 3.8 billion dollar deficit. Great news for the beleaguered taxpayer.
A Reason-Rupe poll, also released Thursday morning, indicates that Walker has a 50% to 42% advantage over Barrett, with 6% unsure. The Reason-Rupe Public Opinion Survey was conducted by ORC International, the same polling organization that conducts surveys for CNN. The Reason Foundation is a libertarian think tank that publishes Reason magazine.
It’s hard to watch Rachel .. she doesn’t have the great legs and none of the hotness of the Fox women.
May 27, 2012 at 10:52 pm #759249
kootchmanMemberEven the Democrats own polls are not happy feet.
nother Democratic poll released earlier this week, by the pro-recall group We Are Wisconsin, showed Barrett trailing by 3 percent. Previous independent polls showed Walker leading by between 5 percent and 9 percent, and another this week — from St. Norbert College and Wisconsin Public Radio — showed the governor up by 5 points.
See? There are plenty of articles out there. No, you won’t get mainstream press to report it. Compare it to the Buffalo NY congressional seat won by Democrats before the mid-terms when mainstream media was whistling in the dark… when Democrats won that seat. It was supposed to be a harbinger of good tidings for Democrats…. who were destroyed.
May 27, 2012 at 11:16 pm #759250
JanSParticipantwow, this says a lot..”It’s hard to watch Rachel .. she doesn’t have the great legs and none of the hotness of the Fox women.” so you watch news shows because you like to look at the hot women? Is that what really matters to you? Or do you say that crap to get a rise out of people? Frankly, what’s inside the head is much more important than what the legs look like…besides, I doubt if Rachel even wears skirts.
If the people of Wisconsin don’t recall him, then that says they are happy with the way things are – either that, or they’re uninformed and stoopid. Something to ponder, I suppose..
May 27, 2012 at 11:29 pm #759251
miwsParticipantMay 27, 2012 at 11:43 pm #759252
dobroParticipant“…I watch Maddow nightly (as I am sure you do as well)…”
Actually, no, I never watch Rachel. Or the dumb blonde Fox news hostesses. Or Ed. I hear his radio show once in a while when I’m driving my car. In fact, I hardly watch TV at all except for the occasional ball game. The only time I ever see their shows is when I’m traveling and stuck in a hotel room with cable TV.
I base my opinions on reading books, newspapers, researching on the internet, and using critical thinking skills to separate facts from agenda-driven spin.
May 28, 2012 at 12:07 am #759253
JanSParticipantI catch Rachel occasionally…and Ed Schultz, too. He’s pretty fun to watch…things really get him going. I catch Lawrence O’Donnell occasionally, too. And when I have insomnia, I’ve been known to pop on the telly at 3am and watch a bit of Mika and Joe on Morning Joe. I especially like it when Mika’s dad, Zbigniew Brzezinski is on…I find him intelligent and fascinating.
May 28, 2012 at 12:39 am #759254
kootchmanMemberwhy yes JaN I do… since other than Brett Baier, Fox news is mostly entertainment. You aren’t really calling Rachel and Ed “news” are you? Have they let O’Donnell back on the air again? After he threw his coffee cup at his staff and had a temper tantrum? Hmmm … he gets fired a lot for the way he demeans the people who work for or with him. It’s all agenda spinning…the critical thinking part comes from separating the corn from the manure.
The people of Wisconsin elected him to balance the budget, which he did. Trim the cost of government, which he did. Even the Minneapolis Star Tribune editorialized that the recall was a waste of taxpayer money, Walker did what he said he would do during the gubernatorial race, what he was elected to do. The “do over” was a waste of taxpayer resources.
As a point of fact, Walker saved the taxpayers over a billion dollars, state revenues are up. and 6500 public employee jobs were saved. Who didn’t win? Madison who didn’t take the Act 10 advantages and are laying off municipal workers and have save no dollars in better insurance and pension negotiations. Her’s the map…. as would be expected. support for Walker is strongest where the burdens of taxes are high, and support for his opponent is high in the welfare dependent munis.
Is WI in better shape than when walker took office? Yes.
May 28, 2012 at 1:17 am #759255
JoBParticipantMay 28, 2012 at 2:13 am #759256
SmittyParticipant“In fact, I hardly watch TV at all except for the occasional ball game.”
Uh oh. We may have more in common than we think!
May 28, 2012 at 3:08 am #759257
HMC RichParticipantThe largest paper in the state endorsed Walker. http://www.jsonline.com/news/opinion/we-recommend-walker-his-removal-isnt-justified-l55ecb6-152111305.html
This editorial was not a rally for Walker either. They also pointed out the recall process should be changed.
Smitty, are you a former resident of the Badger state? I am. Wonderful place.
May 28, 2012 at 3:46 am #759258
dobroParticipant“It’s all agenda spinning…”
Uh, no it’s not. There are some things that are verifiably true. We call those things “facts”. Opinions that are based on facts have some merit. Opinions based on your own predjudice and self-interest are ignorant and useless.
May 28, 2012 at 5:11 am #759259
HMC RichParticipantIs that your opinion or is that a factual statement? Where is your proof? Just kidding. Have a good night.
May 28, 2012 at 5:17 am #759260
kootchmanMemberIs Wisconsin better off today than it was two years ago? The facts say yes for the individual taxpayer…, but only if you use the right metrics. If the citizen debt load is smaller but you are a labor hack.. the answer is no.
May 28, 2012 at 5:41 am #759261
HMC RichParticipantMay 28, 2012 at 8:13 am #759262
kootchmanMemberYa can twist and torture facts long enough and they too will say anything. I thought you said Obama by 8 points? I will have to check the facts.
May 28, 2012 at 4:36 pm #759263
dobroParticipant“Ya can twist and torture facts long enough…”
Ah, you’ve revealed your method. And 6 points would be good enough for me.
May 28, 2012 at 6:11 pm #759264
i don’t know if Wisconsin citizens are better off than they were two years ago
i suspect the fact that the recall election is pretty much neck in neck says no
but i am sure that the Koch brothers are better off under Walker than they were two years ago
and they expect a good return on their campaign dollars…
what i want to know is where was the DNC until a couple of weeks ago?
May 28, 2012 at 11:56 pm #759265
kootchmanMemberI am suspecting that I made a final stab at getting control of their government and wresting it from union control. If he wins, the answer is yes, they believe they are. I can tell where they weren’t… they weren’t in WI cause no one is writing them checks. No one wants to support them. There was no shortage of money though. The labor unions were out in force. The recall was simply a labor union sponsored over cause they were asked to give up less than the taxpayers who support them give. Oh the sobs … it was all harmony when union money was dumped. I think if he wins… Walker should take every dime of the cost of the recall out of the state workers pension fund to pay for it. Fair is fair. The DNC is hoarding cash for The Messiah….
May 29, 2012 at 12:04 am #759266
kootchmanMemberVeterans, about 13 percent of the adult population and consisting mostly of older men, support Mitt Romney over Barack Obama for president by 58 percent to 34 percent, while nonveterans give Obama a four-percentage-point edge, according to Gallup
Wisc has 420,000 vets,,, and interestingly, one of the highest rates of combat vets… ones who actually served in conflict.
Veterans will be key in several battleground states. Florida, home to several military installations, has more than 1.6 million veterans, according to the Veterans Administration. Pennsylvania has nearly 1 million veterans, while Virginia and North Carolina each have about 800,000 veterans living in their states, the Monitor pointed out.
Read more on Newsmax.com: Gallup: Romney Takes Huge Lead Among Veterans over Obama
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