Arbor Heights Swim Club

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    Hi just wondering if anyone else in Arbor Heights living around the swim club has issues with the members driving recklessly to and from? I’m gathering concerns from immediate neighbors to present to their board: these include members driving recklessly, noise after 10pm, parking on our property and in our driveways during events.



    Typically they aren’t open after 9pm unless there is a special event. I understand your concerns about people driving up and down 31st. I would contact the board with your concerns.



    Some DOT people working on the street today said that 31st is supposed to get speed bumps very soon. Maybe that will help?

    Not too many years ago, the pool would post notices about upcoming meets, with instructions to leave your recycle bin on the edge of your yard as a signal to not park there. Worked fine for years, then suddenly people in very expensive cars (it was never the people in the older cars!) would just get out of their cars, move the bins, and park across all the yards. We took to standing in our yard and directing these people away, but whenever there was an elderly person, or anyone who would have struggled with walking (we asked!), we encourage them to park in our yard. Still do.

    Come to think of it, the pool used put a “free pass” on the notices to be used at the end of the season for the neighbors, to thank them for their patience during swim meets. Haven’t seen that since the year the snotty people started moving the bins to park.



    IDK, but..if someone was illegally parking on my private property, I would have them towed. (and call the police). Tickets, towing, and storage fees might get their attention.



    I imagine the area will be much safer after the private school is built on the site of the church being ripped down on 32nd/104th. I picture more traffic circles, better sidewalks and speedbumps……and increased property taxes but I’ll take the bump in my property value :)



    Thanks Bonnie – a few of us have written to the club and haven’t been responded to and yes, I don’t know if they’re “open” or not, but the noise level goes well past 9pm frequently
ocean – wow! Did you hit the nail on the head! That’s been my impression – my dogs and I have had to jump to the edge of the road evading swim club drivers and its usually a Lexus or Mercedes – there’s just this oppression of snobs every summer – we don’t like it and it seems like the swim club doesn’t care at all
any Arbor Heights people would be willing to contact the Board?



    I will lead the board to this thread. I’m a swim club member but trust me I am not a snob! LOL!



    Bonnie Do you live near the pool in Arbor Heights? What is the general feeling in the swim club – possibly room for some courtesy and a little love for our neighborhood?



    I live near the pool, but not real close. I can tell you that most people who belong to the club are basically nice people. I am sorry you have to deal with this.



    Bonnie – Do you live in Arbor Heights?



    Just outside of AH but my kids go to AH school so still very close.

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