C’mon Skeets, you floated the proverbial red herring of absolutism?!?
No one ever said corporate profits were bad or should be done away with. Nor did anyone say that equities aren’t one of the reasonable ways to invest.
The issue is clearly that something is very out of balance – something that USED to work much better and for the benefit of the MANY – and now works primarily for the benefit of a precious few.
There once was emphasis on taxing investment and “unearned” wealth at significantly higher rates and taxing earned income more equitably. The rich now sit on hundreds of billions of unproductive $ that will do nothing more than allow their heirs and their heirs’ heirs to never have to work.
And if you didn’t notice, equities are a rigged game too. Wonder why you and I have to settle for IPO offerings at twice the cost of the insiders?? Wonder why ratings companies cook their analyses to pump up crappy company performace?? Wonder why companies that want to keep their profits out of the hands of public investors take their companies private??
You know damn well the system is out of whack. If it wasn’t, you could point to many tangible benefits to our greater economy and society. And all you got is that my 401k is almost back to what it was 5 yrs. ago. Woo – effing – hoo! ;-)