you are twisting things..
what i said is that the police have been called on more than one show of force eviction and have stated that this is a nickelsville problem not a police problem..
lets say you chose to squat in the town square and proclaimed your ownership of the square..
and i decided i wanted to picnic there..
i was serving something you were allergic to and you decided i had to leave.
would you expect the police to evict me?
there is the quandary in a proverbial nutshell.
you could make things unpleasant for me so i would decide to leave or you could take matters into your own hands and physically evict me risking assault charges… but the police wouldn’t evict me from a public space simply because you said they should.
the question of what you do with offensive people is the same everywhere you go.
There are effective and ineffective ways of dealing with criminals who live in our neighborhood…
instead of taking away the camp’s prota-potties to provoke a possibly violent confrontation, i would have employed a few cameras in camp and taken pictures of the activity to turn it over to the police who do arrest people for selling drugs if they are given adequate evidence.
heck, you wouldn’t even have to go into the camp to take pictures of the drug deals..
the last time i sat outside the entrance to camp having a conversation with a couple of campers .. in full view of both the security desk and passing campers, i personally saw several suspicious interactions that had i had a camera with me i would have documented and taken to the police department.
the police aren’t unaware there are problems in Nickelsville… for all we know the police have been gathering evidence for some time and are just not yet ready to make an arrest…
But, as far as i know, no-one from camp took pictures or even notified them that there was a problem there until this last week. “it would violate camper’s privacy” … and you wouldn’t want to do that even if there is a health and safety issue involved…
but you would want to remove the portapotties?