“My main point is that good people are going to be hurt by this mosque, “prayer room,” or whatever you want to call it.”
This “point” is irrelevant. Ask yourself this question. Would there be any problem with a Catholic church opening on the Park 51 site? A synagogue? A Presbyterian chapel? In America we have a thing called freedom of religion that applies to everyone, even if someone gets their fee-fees hurt. If you believe in the Bill of Rights you’d think that was a good thing. Some people would call it a founding principle of our country. Those who serve in public office swear to defend these principles. The oath doesn’t say “I swear to uphold and defend the Constitution, so help me God, unless, of course, someone might get their feelings hurt.”
“You, like dobro, seem to believe that everyone who feels the way I do on this issue is in on some kind of conspiracy.”
I’d be curious to know what I said that insinuated anything of the sort. I pointed out how attention was pointed at this subject and turned into a media circus and cited and described an article that explains how that happened. the article is 981 words long. It’s not War and Peace. If a person actually had any interest in the issue there’s a link right there. Ahhh, but here I am again asking people to read something…I should know better. :)