Re: Somking Outside Bars


Fancy Nan

By the way, the issue for me is people who bring their dogs to public parks where children play and take them off leash and let them run wild around the play areas. A little dangerous for the small children.

The other issue I have is with people who smoke and cause others to have to walk through or breath their second hand smoke, which is toxic and just smells nasty. What I have always found fascinating is that most smokers hate the smell of cigarettes on their clothing. They rarely smoke inside their homes or their cars (unless they are exceptionally clueless) and do not want that smell on their clothes, car interiors, or in their homes. But they typically have no issue with sharing their smoke with other. It is truly a shame that this product is so addictive. At least we are more informed than earlier years.

As for the farts….well, no need to really go there.