Re: RANT: the driving dog walker



anonyme: Thank your for caring.

A few thoughts:

1. If she is disabled, I’m going to guess we might be able to find some community volunteers that would take turns walking her dog. Perhaps flag her down and ask?

2. Every time you see her doing this

-get/confirm her license plate and (if possible) photo, which includes the dog. Photos have time ‘n’ date stamps so it will provide evidence of consistent behavior.

-call the police. It seems that the (poor) dog is creating a traffic hazard and unsafe driving conditions for other drivers, e.g., they could swerve to avoid the dog and get hurt.

3. Send the information in #2 above (license plate number and photos), to Don Jordan:

Don Jordan, Executive Director

(206) 386-4286

Bringing his attention to this dangerous practice may result in a new Animal Control law….or perhaps he will have a different interpretation of a law that is already on the books.

4. Send the information in #2 to our City Council. This may help initiate a new Animal Control law.

Again, thank you for caring.