Re: RANT: Sidewalk hogs



Yes, and judging sidewalk etiquette, many never learned to keep right either. Personally, I think a lot of social discourtesy trickles down from the ‘hippy generation’ who felt they had to break through rules and social norms to express themselves with complete, unfettered freedom. Yield to others on a sidewalk? Leash the dog? Follow traffic rules? Don’t cramp my style, man, you’re such a facist, loosen up, it’s a free country! I notice a lot more of this behavior around Seattle than any other city I’ve been too. It could also just be that it’s a city that is increasing population faster than it can adjust. Still, you have to wonder about people who were raised with the attitude ‘what’s the problem? they can just go around ME.(because my right to enjoy myself trumps being considerate).