Re: RANT: Excessive Pole-Papering on Alki



yes, we had thread about this couple weeks ago



city ordinance passed in 2002 that allows public postings on city-owned utility poles, lamp poles, and traffic control devices. This Seattle ordinance allowing public sign postings was passed after the Washington State Court of Appeals declared the prior Seattle ordinance banning public sign postings as violating our Washington State Constitution.


Seattle Municipal Code, SMC 15.48.105 Conformance to applicable regulations for posting.

A. Handbills, signs and posters may be affixed to City-owned utility poles, lamp poles and traffic control devices under the control of the Seattle Department of Transportation And (1) members of the public are afforded reasonable access to exercise their free speech rights, including being able to place signs (Ord. 121038 Section 3, 2002.)