Spring Chicken
Regarding this being “in today’s news” Tesla I could only find the quote you referenced on “pro life” websites and not in any legitimate news source.
At issue is Florida House Bill 1129, which “Provides that infant born alive during or immediately after attempted abortion is entitled to same rights, powers, & privileges as any other child born alive in course of natural birth; requires health care practitioners to preserve life & health of such infant born alive, if possible; provides for transport & admittance of infant to hospital; provides certain services for infant; requires health care practitioner or employees who have knowledge of any violations with respect to infants born alive after attempted abortion to report those violations to DOH; provides penalty; provides for construction; revises reporting requirements.”
This bill is another attempt by Republicans in Florida to ban all abortions. The words “infant”, “child”, and “born alive” are deliberately misused because none of these describe conditions in a legal abortion. The bill is unnecessary because current laws already restrict abortions performed after viability. The ultimate goal of this bill is to set a legal precedent by giving fetuses the same legal rights in Florida as babies, so that later laws will be able to restrict all abortions as “killing” babies. Once the law requires life support for fetuses, the next step will be abortion banned as murder.
Here’s a link to the Florida Legislative Session from which the quote was taken (starts about minute 40): http://tinyurl.com/floridalegsession
Notice the way Rep. Oliva words his questions to inflame emotions. His questions aren’t about seeking medical information. This is all political. He tries to pressure the Planned Parenthood representative into agreeing with the proposed law, but she won’t play his game (as a result, she’s been labeled an inhuman monster in the right wing blogosphere). He describes “infants”, “born alive on tables”, “struggling for life” none of which happen in a legal abortion procedure. There is no epidemic of “botched abortions” or “partial birth abortions” or “post birth abortions” these words are all political creations, not medical terms!
When you told us there’s a doctor on trial for unlawful abortions, that only proves existing laws are adequate and enforced.
I urge you to reconsider your sources for “news”, watch the clip and notice how your quotation above has taken words from this interview out of context. Think for yourself, don’t allow your emotions to be manipulated!