Kayleigh, we were in danger simple as that, please do not mimimize the situation. We did call the Police but not until we were safely away from the restaurant. We also walk and occassionally take the bus when one of our cars is in the shop for repair, and we also go Downtown but there are places there we do not go, some we go only with my husband with us. I do not take any chances with our kids and their safety. As for the lesson these brought to our kids they already know not to dress that way, speak with foul language and to show respect. I also feel badly for the kids that work in that restaurant, they can’t get away. The foul language I am referring to is every other word was a a swear word and very crude as well, when people speak like that it shows a very low self-esteem and does not make them mightier as they may think.
This posting was originally for pit bulls and their aggressive behavior, I know that there are plenty of other dog breeds that are also aggressive. Afew persons have brought up children and them wanting to pet dogs nto this discussion, ok fine but that wasn’t the point of this original discussion, I am talking about when an aggressive dog is wandering the streets and approaches the child, not the other way around. In our family our kids know that they are not to pet an animal without premission, but if the owner says no or is iffy about the interaction we skip petting the animal all together.