Re: Oh Obama..why dost thou tease me?




the only group making the argument that Bush’s excesses and usurpation of power are being used to excuse anything Obama is doing are conservatives.

I said i don’t buy the argument that conservatives are concerned with larger government or government spending out of control because they weren’t concerned when that out of control spending and abuse of power benefited them.

As for spending excesses… you might be able to make a case for the health care reform bill.. especially if it passes in what looks to be it’s current form…

but the rest of the spending so far is simply deferred maintenance and damage control from the Bush administration who didn’t see a public dollar that couldn’t be used to benefit the businesses of those who supported them politically, or a military expense including the huge private army of mercanaries we currently finance…

but couldn’t bother regulating the industries that created the financial crash or spending for even the bare necessities of public infrastructure.

So far.. Obama’s so called excesses are nothing more than Bush’s overdue bills.