Re: Occupy Seattle!



Ah JoB…. au contraire’ Your post…..

“labor unions and democrats are not special interests…

they directly represent citizens.”

Oh? Do they? Now how many advertising dollars did it take to convince you of that? Since you sugest we are mere products of Madison Avenue…

“The founders of the labor movement viewed unions as a vehicle to get workers more of the profits they help create. Government workers, however, don’t generate profits. They merely negotiate for more tax money.” Government collective bargaining means voters do not have the final say on public policy.”

Now that is a fair assessment. The source is the NY Times editorial page. As I have oft stated.. unions are free associations and if labor and management want to sign joint suicide contracts, go for it.

Union contracts make it next to impossible to reward excellent teachers or fire failing ones. Union contracts give government employees gold-plated benefits – at the cost of higher taxes and less spending on other priorities

Let’s take a trip down memory lane… to one Mr. George Meany

The lion of big labor, the architect of the merger of the CIO and AFL .. he was opposed to government employee unionization stating..

A.F.L.-C.I.O. Executive Council’s 1959 advice: “In terms of accepted collective bargaining procedures, government workers have no right beyond the authority to petition Congress — a right available to every citizen.”

I think Messr redblack decried the paltry pay of the “average” WA teacher. Uh huh…

Wisconsin: A state worker at a salary of $44,000, his private sector counterpart would have to have a $71,000 salary to account for the pension, health, and other fringe benefits.