Re: My dog is loose! Please help!



So glad to have happy endings to these lost dog situations!

A bit scary to have him lost so close to 35th, especially if he can’t comprehend that dog+moving car=nasty owies!

Back in the mid ’80’s, I dog sat the schnauzer of a then co-worker, at my then house on 42nd, just south of Juneau.

This had been at least my second time to do this, as I had mentioned to the owner how careful I was in watching the dog on his potty breaks, in my unfenced yard. The owner, who lived up in Mukilteo, said not to worry the dog knew to stay close by.

I still intended to be as vigilant as before, but after the drive home from the workplace downtown, I figured he had to, and *knew* I had to go pee. I figured “okay, I can do my thing and be back out on the front porch in not much more than 30 seconds.”

Imagine my horror, when I got back to the porch, and the dog was GONE! I ran across my huge front yard, across 42nd, across the vacant lot on the other side of 42nd, across the alley between 42nd and California, and asked some people on their deck of an apartment overlooking the alley, if they had seen a dog run by. They said yes, and indicated it had run toward California Av.

I ran along side that building, to California, and imagine my horror, again, to see the dog on the other side of busy California Av, in front of Ho Win and the (then) 50/50 Market!

Fortunately, he was totally unharmed, a miracle, since this was around 5:00pm on a Friday.

I have to imagine, that the only thing worse than having a beloved pet hurt or killed, is having the same happen to another’s pet, in your care, and due to your carelessness.

Yes, I ‘fessed up to the owner what had taken place. And let him know that should I babysit his dog again, I was going back to my original policy of not taking my eyes off the dog when he was out in the yard!
