The “I’m a Mac” commercials? Is that where the whole “Apparently I’m not cool enough to use a Mac” sentiment comes from? I think the genius of that campaign was that the PC guy was actually a really likable character. It totally wouldn’t have worked if you just had a smug kid saying I’m cool and he’s not. It was about showing how elegant and intuitive things can be on the Mac platform.
Jan, no one was looking down their nose or telling you that you were wrong for using a PC. I didn’t see any of that in this thread. What I was responding to was people being dismissive of Macs for the wrong reasons. True, people use what they prefer (or can afford). But people have a tendency to stick with what they know when something else might be much better for them. Like some kind of behavioral inertia.
I’ve used both Macs and PCs extensively. And I’ve worked in plenty of offices with PCs in which weird, frustrating things would happen just about every day. A PC that was printing fine a minute ago would no longer be sending a file to the printer despite all of the settings being the same. PCs bogged down with spyware and viruses. Having to download and install drivers for just about everything you connected to the machine. I’d see colleagues struggle and pull their hair out every day for stupid problems that would cut into time and productivity in a big way. And then I’d go home and use my Mac which always “just worked.”
Sure, I’ve had issues with Macs too. Hardware components that failed, or things that didn’t work as they should. But compared to the PC issues, the problems were always few and far between.
Opinions ARE a dime a dozen. Which is why I attached links supporting the idea that huge numbers of people are finally making the move to Apple (half of all Apple store visitors are first time buyers and new Mac users), not because they are smug and think they are cooler than everyone else, or are rich enough to purchase SO expensive Macs, but because they’ve finally realized that they don’t need to continue to struggle with poorly designed products from the PC realm.