Re: Go Barack



You mean the one who’s supporters are throwing cold water on the health care plans?

From the link you posted above:

“”Schumer (certainly in the Clinton camp,) like a reliable Fox News anchor, tells us that America isn’t “ready” for national health care plan, despite polls over the last decade showing strong support for such a concept. Likewise, Meek – playing right into the Grover Norquist “drown it in the bathtub” mantra, claims the federal government doesn’t have the cash to pay for a health care overhaul – even as Congress continues writing blank checks to fund the Iraq War.”

The “fair and balanced” media, of course, had to identify an Obama supporter who, allegedly, throws him under the bus, too. However, Jay Rockefeller didn’t quite say he health care wouldn’t be supported:

““We all know there is not enough money to do all this stuff,” said Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-W.Va.), a Finance Committee member and an Obama supporter, referring to the presidential candidates’ healthcare plans. “What they are doing is … laying out their ambitions”.

“All this stuff” isn’t quite the same as saying Health Care, specifically.

If the right wing of the Democratic Party has it’s way, it’ll be another Clinton giving the store away to big bidness and the Republicans.

Unless she loses to McCain, of course. She likes to quote Harry Truman, but didn’t he say something about choosing between a Republican and a Republican?