Charla- the part that baffles me… And I have asked Clinton supporters to try to explain this to me- is on what grounds would they not vote for Obama? It is really just a sore loser, us or nobody talk-track. You are disenfrachised because the person who won the most states, most delegates, and most votes got the nomination and it wasn’t your candidate? If I’m missing something let me know.
The truth of the matter, is that if Hillary wins the nomination through the superdelegates choosing her 2/1 over Obama, well that is justification to be alienated to the party. Whether or not that leads you to support McCain, thats a pretty big leap, but I imagine the next 6 months would have to be shockingly ugly to get us to that point… so you never know.
I just really am challenged by the logic surrounding Clinton supporters, who would work against Obama in the general because he got elected in this silly little “election” that has played out the last four months…
I also agree with both candidates, that those numbers are greatly inflated by current passions, and that during June-November there will be an excellent opportunity to unify the party around the winning candidate, and those poll numbers will be mostly erased.