Re: Go Barack



I have already said I’ll support and work for Clinton if she wins. I find the question disingenuous. I’ll work for her whether or not she steals the election. I’ll be too busy worrying about Repug caging (which is already taking place) to do anything else.

I do resent the “Only we are noble,” martyr tactics of the Clintonistas. Let’s see, if we don’t elect the candidate of the right wing Democratic Leadership Council, we’re not true Democrats? I don’t think so.

I do tend to think that Clinton, possibly subconsciously, thinks if Obama is nominated and loses she’ll be left to pick up the pieces and run successfully in 2012. I can guarantee you that won’t happen. The dems, at their most fractious, aren’t that stupid.

Meantime, whoever wins our nomination will, in fact, win in November. Frankly, the Republicans have made such a mess, they only want to leave it for the Dems to try to clean up.

By the way, if I could actually believe that the nominee of the Democratic party supported democratic princples, I might be a more enthusiastic supporter.
