

I agree that I wished it delved a bit deeper, but I also consider myself to be very well-educated about where my food comes from. For the average consumer, though, the film’s a real eye-opener.

I was fairly ignorant about food until I was about 19, the age at which I became vegan. I was only vegan for a bit over a year, but the education has stuck with me. I’ll also never forget reading about what happens to the vast majority of newly-hatched male chicks in a conventional factory situation: they’re immediately killed, often by being thrown alive into a trash bag, where they suffocate and are crushed under the weight of other unfortunate males. However, I’d probably prefer to die immediately after birth than to live as most factory chickens do: crammed so tight that they stand in their own excrement and incapable of moving due to their own overgrown size. :-(

I know a lot about how conventional meat and crops are raised, about factory organics, local conventional, local organic, local biodynamic organic, etc., each a step above the last in my hierarchy.