Re: Evolution survey



So, Findlay and others out there I have a question.

Religion has always puzzled me and when I converse with people grounded in their religion they typically state that it is not based on scientific studies or tangible proof, rather it is based upon “faith”.

My response to that is that faith cannot be considered logical.

If you state that you have “faith” in your spouse not cheating on you, that is not really faith. That’s the scientific method…you have known Spouse A for X amount of time and they have not cheated on you in X ammount of time. Snce Spouse A has not cheated on you in X ammount of time, you “trust” that they are not going to cheat. Therefore, Spouse A has “proven” that they will not cheat. If Spouse “A” actually cheats on you and you find out, then you have proven that Spouse “A” cannot be trusted.

If I state that I have “faith” that I will wake up and land on my two feet in the morning b/c of gravity rather than float away, this again is not “faith”. Rather, it’s the fact that I have proven 12,775 other days that I will land on my two feet so it’s safe to assume that I will again tomorrow….once again proven method of determing something.

So, I see “faith” as belief in something that you cannot actually prove exists or has existed.

If you have “faith” in religion, what other aspects of your life to you practice faith?

The closest example of “faith” to me would be standing at one end of I-5 at 3pm and running straight across without looking. You can deem this as stupidity, but it would be blind “faith” believing that you would make it to the other side unharmed. Odds are that you’d be killed or injured, but if you did make it across you would call it “divine intervention” and I would call it “dumb ass luck”.

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