I don’t know the exact time of the first post on this thread (just says “1 hour ago”) but we’ve been reporting on this on the home page since 7 pm – apparently about 20 minutes after it started – as noted here, there was NO way to tell from the 911 log that it was something this crazy, it wasn’t even a “med 7 per rule” which means serious injury and usually sends us out to check it out. Thanks to multiple people who sent messages via e-mail, Twitter and Facebook we learned about the crash and got out there to start covering it … ANY time you see something unusual, we invite you to not just post here but even CALL us – we’re on duty 24/7 – 206-293-6302.
We’ve since had two photographers out there. Just amazing the only person hurt, by all accounts thus far, is the driver, who went out of control for reasons police are still investigating, and was taken to the hospital.