Re: Dino Rossi – A Resonable Republic



rich, the new player in town is the counter-revolution. teabaggers are trying to preserve the status quo for the rich. sorry to have to inform you that supply-side economics is every bit the b.s. we told you it was 30 years ago.

when are you going to admit that? no, instead you want to dust off the memory of reagan and try to make it dance again, with tea bags pinned to its hat brim.

so if i’m mistaken about your 10% number, what percentage of tax receipts do you believe the top 10% should be paying? and if they, as a sector, or doing better than the bottom 90%, don’t you think they should help their fellow countrymen by shouldering a tax increase?

if w’s spending was bad… where the hell were you “fiscal conservatives” when he doubled to national debt in 5 or 6 years? yeah, you admit it now, but why were you silent then? you didn’t use the opportunity to “vote the bums out” every 2 years back then, did you? and i’ll tell you why: like frank luntz and rush limbaugh, et al, you were rejoicing that – finally! – they were truly destroying the federal government and democracy-for-all with it. w’s spending was all on bombs and tax cuts.

why is obama’s spending better? because his stated plans involve long-term improvement for the country – not just the “supply” side – kind of like the new deal or WPA, only wimpier because of republican obstructionism. if he’s not exactly saying the right words or following through on every campaign promise, at least he’s speaking the right language to the working class and the poor.

and, no, i don’t believe the federal government is out of control. it’s the only thing protecting us from full-blown plutonomy and foreign business takeover right now, and it has been largely responsible for keeping debt-strapped states solvent during what has amounted to a depression for tens of millions.