You’re not fooling me, Jiggers; I know you’re voting for 1098. If it’s any consolation, it’s going to win big, and I’m buying pizza for all when it does.
Unfortunately, once we get through that hoop, we’re still going to be up against the state Constitution, and I’m sorry to say we’re probably going to lose that round.
Hopefully the groundswell of support for 1098 will combine with the budget crisis to give us the momentum we need to change the Constitution so that we can finally get the power to tax ourselves as needed. We’re simply not the same state we were when the “no income tax” part of the Constitution was written, and we need an amendment to reflect that.
I know next to nothing about how amendment process works, but will be looking into it. If the venerable waterworld is following this thread, maybe he/she can enlighten us . . .