Re: 2016: Obama's America


HMC Rich

Dobro. TARP and Stimulus and regulations are still in effect when the Democrats owned the House Senate and Presidency. No Budget changes to stop the spending.

Obama promised to cut the debt, but it only rose. Obama said Unemployment would not go above 8%. It did and has stayed there.

You guys complain about the tax rates, but you don’t complain about the spending and the new monkey on our back called ACA.

Your leaders at the convention got caught lying in front of GOD and the country trying to hide your far left hate of GOD and how you despise Israel. You are more concerned about a woman who doesn’t want a kid after having sex than the termination of a life.

You had no problem with an Inconveniant Truth that has been proven to be wrong on many fronts.

So Please. The country is in the doldrums. You elected a self made Socialist and now you are seeing socialist stagnation. Sucks to be us.

Go Romney and Ryan.