RAINOUT CANCELLATION: No “Movies on the Wall” tonight

lilnemo.jpgSad irony that the showing of a movie set almost entirely underwater has to be postponed BECAUSE of water … but … well … wouldn’t be too pleasant with soggy equipment, moviegoers, and concessions. So we’ve just confirmed that tonight’s showing of “Finding Nemo” is CANCELED. Philip Borgnes of Sidewalk Cinema tells us “Nemo” is being rescheduled to Thursday, August 21st; meantime, “Ghostbusters” is scheduled next Saturday (8/16) and “Galaxy Quest” the Saturday after that (8/23).

1 Reply to "RAINOUT CANCELLATION: No "Movies on the Wall" tonight"

  • Big Al (No, Not THAT One) August 9, 2008 (6:34 pm)

    Thanks for the timely but sad news. And I just saw blue sky in West Seattle skies … oh well, we’ll watch the Olympics together and then read more Harry Potter tonight.

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